
New Contest: Four Elements

Started by May 14, 2000 02:03 AM
29 comments, last by nathany 24 years, 4 months ago
That''s a relief! I spent about 7 hours earlier today designing a cool game idea, writing some midi''s and drawing the title screen. I didn''t want to put in loads of work only to find out that I would be better off with a graphical demo.

This looks like quite a cool contest, and the prize isn''t bad. I just hope I can get enough free time to complete my entry (I''ve got 1st year A-Level exams all june).
---------- JonHobson ----------

quote: Reply from Khawk to e-mail I sent
> So if I understand correctly, I -cannot- get a buddy to
> do original textures/models for my entry (no teams).
> But I can go to some place, like and download
> 3rd party ones?

No, you can have a buddy do art, but there''s only one prize. So whoever''s name is on the contest entry will get the prize if they win. There is no art restriction on this, which means you can use any art you want.

That should make for some pretty interesting/original entries!

- n8
Hold the phone... didn''t realize Fastgraph was allowed.

Anyway, just some words of encouragement for those who have very little 3D programming experience:

OpenGL isn''t so bad also after reading some of NeHe''s tutorials (programming-->opengl-->NeHe''s tutorials). After a few frustrating moments trying to get OpenGL to run on my computer (I needed to change to 16 bit color manually) in fullscreen mode, I am thinking about entering. I didn''t think my old 3D card could handle it.

So, if your kinda hesitant as I was, you first might want to try some of NeHe''s tutorials. Get them to run first, then start learning.
"If you build it, it will crash."
quote: Original post by NickGA

Hold the phone... didn''t realize Fastgraph was allowed.

Diana explained to me that Fastgraph is the same as OpenGL and DirectX.


Admin for

I''ve got 2nd year (FINAL YEAR) A-level exams. I just had my physics Practical Test - I think I ''destroyed'' it

I''ll submit something (hopefully) - Prolly a 3d platformer like Mario or something - I''ll have to include swimming (WATER), burning (FIRE), Windy (AIR), Picking up block of shit (EARTH).

Okay l8rz I better go home before my Maths teacher arrives - I don''t wanna listen to another lesson of P4!!!!

Flash Pool - Pool/Billiards game for Facebook (developed by Memir).
Hey Memir ... can you get a first class with honours at your age? hehe good luck

Anyway, hope your game is as cool as the last one.
"If you build it, it will crash."
Never tried 3d programming before , but after looking at some tutorials , all I can say is hmmmmmmmmm. Looks like the Hint ->Planeteers <- Hint are up to a challenge Now about the wind ...........................

All vague notions must fall before a student can call himself a master.
I was influenced by the Ghetto you ruined.
> Diana explained to me that Fastgraph is the same as OpenGL and DirectX.

Did I say that? You mean I didn''t say anything like "better than"?

Fastgraph is a graphics library, which is not a game engine. It''s an old-fashioned concept. More functionality than DirectX, but general purpose, not specific to a particular type of game.

If you are new to 3D and you want to get started, Fastgraph 6.0 is a good place to start. You can write 3D code without knowing heavy maths. There''s a tutorial here:

The catch is, Fastgraph 6.0 isn''t released yet. It''s still in beta testing while the documentation is being wrapped up. If somebody wants to enter the contest using Fastgraph 6.0, email me privately and we can talk about letting you use the beta version for the contest.

Now I didn''t say I''m giving away a bunch of free Fastgraphs! I just said email me and we''ll talk about it. If you can convince me I''ll get a really good demo out of it, I''ll consider your request.

Oh, and flattery would help too.

Fastgraph does 3D now? I just remember when they just did 2D (89?).

Also, we do retain the rights to the submissions (ie, the source, concept, and demo ownership is maintained by the creator?)

Edited by - Whirlwind on May 15, 2000 3:04:56 PM
quote: Fastgraph does 3D now?

Yeah. I designed it myself. Then Ted ported it to assembly language. It''s pretty good. It''s fast.

quote: Also, we do retain the rights to the submissions

I think so. Why not? It''s your work. Unless has some policy about contest submissions belonging to them. But I never heard anything about that.

My company wouldn''t claim any rights to your program unless you want to sell it to me or something.


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