
Cry for Feedback

Started by February 05, 2003 12:57 AM
18 comments, last by NeHe_Lover 22 years ago
A big thanks to everyone who enjoyed my demo. It''s my first demo ever, and I''m very proud of it.

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~neoztar "Any lock can be picked with a big enough hammer"my website | opengl extensions | try here firstguru of the week | msdn library | c++ faq lite
[edit]found the other thread..[/edit]

Personaly I like superstars - It may not be the best technicaly, but it has a nice feel to it. And even though the models and textures are recycled the scenes doesn't last for ever..

On anothet note...

Mirko Teran's demo complaints about the lack of:

-Point Sprites
-Register Combiners
-Vertex Array Range
-NV Vertex Programs

Now I have a Radeon 9500 Pro with the exception of the NV vertex, I do belive that it does support this.. so what is wrong the code or my setup?

( I use catalyst 3.0 )

/Please excuse my bad spelling - My native language is binary not english
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\Take my advice - I don''t use it...

[edited by - guppy on February 7, 2003 8:10:42 AM]
/Please excuse my bad spelling - My native language is binary not english|Visit meTake my advice - I don''t use it...
Superstars is the best one in my opinion. I really enjoyed the music and those guys jumping around. Ravens Nature is also good, but i keep getting 3 errors at beginning, and then the program runs normaly....
As already stated, Superstars is the only demo with a story -> I liked it the most. But for the best look I''d vote for neoztar''s demo. It somehow reminded me to the stuff on

PS: Can anyone explain me how they get their demos under 64KB??

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guppy : ATI does not support VAR and RC. If you can convert RC code in files UnityShaderTSBM.h and UnityShaderTerrain.h to work on ATI cards I would be VERY grateful. ARB_VP are suppored bu I forgot to comment out the checking for NV_VP verison even tho it's not used. sorry. If sone of the extension is not found 4 scenes are just disabled (2x terrain, TS bumpmapping and particle system).

Edit: I forgot something. I vote for Tuomas Volotinen. His demo is just FUN. starting with a ql readme. realy. For runners up I would chose between Andreas Hammar, Quin Pendragon and Sebastian Brandt (in no perticular order).

You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.

[edited by - _DarkWIng_ on February 7, 2003 9:15:27 AM]
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
I liked the techon one the best. It was the koolest with all the stuff going on. Who ever did that put some real effort into it and desirves to win.
--------------------------Nukemmsn: nukem996@hotmail.comaim: nukem996open source open mind
superstars has my vote very creative
both superstar and Ravers Nature hang my pc early into them.. they were the only ones to do this too, so I''m not too sure which I prefer, since I can''t view them completly.

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Original post by RipTorn
both superstar and Ravers Nature hang my pc early into them.. they were the only ones to do this too, so I''m not too sure which I prefer, since I can''t view them completly.

| - Project-X - my mega project.. yup, still cracking along - | - adDeath - an ad blocker I made - | - email me - |

Firstly, thanks to everyone who has said nice things about Superstars! I''m thrilled to have had such a good response, especially after watching a few of the other entries.

When does Superstars hang? I didn''t get much time to test on different machines (read none but I didn''t think there were any hanging offences in there.
it hangs as the camera is moving out from the green dancy boxed guys, where there are heaps or rows moving back and forth for the first time.
mirkos demo hangs at the end of the silver bouncy towers (well, I guess the end)

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