Well Jeff and I are at a difference of opinion with who the winner should be .. so we are looking to you guys for some honest feedback on who should win the mini demo contest,and please dont tell us 2 or 3 people that you think should win .. but the 1 demo that you think is the BEST and why your feedback would greatly help us ... cause I wont budge in my decision nor will Jeff so PLEASE HELP!!!!!!
Great job to you all ... you all deserve to win
first of all , hi Evil, about the entries ,even though I''m also taking part at the contest (that should make me a bit subjective (?)) I''d choose Andreas Hammar , I just love the way he blended that piece of music(touchy) with those bright colors and effects.
---sorry for not using proper english , I'm from latin roots
If you''re going for the best GL effects then choose Andreas Hammar. But i think superstars had the best showmanship - it was synced to the music and was well storyborded.
I say Superstars. It was the one that captivated me the most, it kept "moving along", was coherant, has a story, was beautifully choreographed, made me feel good etc. Yes, there were very awesome effects in the others, but his demo has taught me that "technical" superiority or complexity does not necessarily make a superior end product and I am glad I have learnt this!
Many of the demo''s seemed obssesed with the 60 second minimum thing, or stretched stuff out to the point of them becoming boring and annoying just to fill the 60 seconds, but Superstar didn''t get old or borring, it just kept moving along.
Also most of the other demo''s just have a lot of random stuff, or overused effects such as that cube scene and that tentacle thing..... Superstars was the only one with a really good consistent story.
I thought the music for it fit well, and when it says something about angels singing there''s this strange little noise in the song which you can quite easily imagine as those little doods singing it.
It was a very well put-together demo, very good story, very good effects, nice words floating on the screen, a couple kind of funny parts ("big and shiny"), and an EXTREMLY good ending.
Basically i just repeated everything CatB said, and I completly agree with his last line. "his demo has taught me that ''technical'' superiority or complexity does not necessarily make a superior end product".
Even though the effects aren''t that impressive, the demo as a whole is extremly impressive.
Now that i think about it, superstars was the only demo with a point - live your dreams. I should know, I programmed the most pointless demo - the fish tank
I''d like that at least four demos in this competition should win but if i have to choose, i am for Andreas Hammer''s demo. It is very beautiful to see and it gave to me good vibrations.
Just for information the other ones are Brian Washburn, Phil Freeman and Sebastian Brandt.
Keep up the good works guys, you will became great!
I''d like that at least four demos in this competition should win but if i have to choose, i am for Andreas Hammer''s demo. It is very beautiful to see and it gave to me good vibrations.
Just for information the other ones are Brian Washburn, Phil Freeman and Sebastian Brandt.
Keep up the good works guys, you will became great!