

Started by May 13, 2000 08:33 PM
7 comments, last by benjamin bunny 24 years, 4 months ago
Having been working on writing games on my own for the last couple of years, I''m getting pretty tired of doing all the art, coding and sound myself. So, I was just thinking that it would be cool if a few talented coders, artists and sound people could form a partnership over the net and communicate with each other well enough to produce a really high quality commercial game, with no revenue until the game was sold. Hypothetically speaking, does anyone think this is possible, bearing in mind language barriers, differences in international law, difficulty in communication, etc etc... | Automated GL Extension Loading: GLee 5.00 for Win32 and Linux

It works in theory. Just like communism. . I''m kinda interested since my dev team does such slowww work.
So you think its possible then? | Automated GL Extension Loading: GLee 5.00 for Win32 and Linux

i think it''s most definently possible.. so long as all members of the team are extremly dedicated, as communicating will be a pain in the ass.

actually, if im not mistaken epic worked on unreal like this for about a year before flying everyone to ontario to setup a temp office to finish the game.

_______________________________________________i hurt myself today, to see if i still feel..
ok, benjamin bunny, why dont you post this message in the "help wanted" section?

- pouya
Everyone on the team that I work with live in the same area, and we all know each other. We all go to a different college, so we c ommunicate mostly over email,except for a bimonthly meeting. The point is, even we have troubles at time. The on ly thing that really helps us is the biweekly, sometimes weekly meeting. It will be very difficult for your team. The most important thing is communication. Each member will also have to send in their progress on a continuing basis. Not doing so, could make some members feel as if he or she is doing all the work. When someone starts to feel that, he or she will stop working, and then you''ll have a domino effect. Then it is all over.


I have a friend whom I''m teaching C++. He''s gotten pretty good.

Helps for me to have an "apprentice."

Not to mention that he has all the good graphics programs. I don''t have to do all the artwork!!!

If you''ve ever seen my artwork, you know that I stink at making character artwork. I''m great at backgrounds, though!

- DarkMage139
"Real game developers don't change the rules. Real game developers don't break the rules. Real game developers make the rules!"
- DarkMage139
If you figure a way of importing VB dll classes then I''ll help out. Please, no open source.
quote: Original post by pouya

ok, benjamin bunny, why dont you post this message in the "help wanted" section?

- pouya

I''m not asking for help - I''m just interested in people''s opinions on this, hence "hypothetically speaking". If I do decide I want to get a team together, I''ll post in Help Wanted. Okay?!!

I enjoyed that

nes8bit -
You''re going to hate me for this, but: Learn C/C++! | Automated GL Extension Loading: GLee 5.00 for Win32 and Linux

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