VS reinstalling problem
After reinstalling Visual Studio I get some strange error messages when compiling my projects. They all have to do with this file:
...\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\prsht.h
I get around 300 errors with it but I don''t understand why. I reinstalled VS before and did it the exact same way but now all seems fucked up.
no, something very strange happened. the said header file seemed to be in binary(?) format. i downloaded the normal version from a webside and replaced it and now it works. here is what the binary version looked like:
"n nP Pbà " ) )Ú Úb.à , rº ºr— —b"#à ACTIVEX.DEP. uº ºu¯s s¯b"#à COMPRESS.DBF , „º º„ ? ? b#%à
GR8409.DLL . ‡º º‡ € € b#%à GR8GALRY.GRA , ÷º º÷J Jb"#à
GRAPH8.DEP , ùº ºù/ /b#''à
GRAPH8.EXE , ÿ½ ½ÿ ² ² b#''à
GRAPH8.OLB . 6¾ ¾6ë ëb#''à GRAPH8RT.SRG . 8¾ ¾8 x x b#''à GRINTL32.DLL , ‡¾ ¾‡o ob1#à MRT7ENU.DLL, u¿ ¿u
8 8
b1à MSO97RT.DLL* wÆ ÆwŠV VŠb"#à ODBC.DEP * ‚Æ Æ‚ > > b+à SCP32.DLL& Ó Ó¼ ¼bà SETUP* ŠÆ ÆŠó ób"#à SETUP.DEP( Ô Ôæ æbà SYSTEM * ‹Æ Æ‹b bb6à VFP6R.DEP* ?Æ Æ?f fb"#à VFP6R.REG "
any idea what could''ve happened? and what is this file for anyway?
"n nP Pbà " ) )Ú Úb.à , rº ºr— —b"#à ACTIVEX.DEP. uº ºu¯s s¯b"#à COMPRESS.DBF , „º º„ ? ? b#%à
GR8409.DLL . ‡º º‡ € € b#%à GR8GALRY.GRA , ÷º º÷J Jb"#à
GRAPH8.DEP , ùº ºù/ /b#''à
GRAPH8.EXE , ÿ½ ½ÿ ² ² b#''à
GRAPH8.OLB . 6¾ ¾6ë ëb#''à GRAPH8RT.SRG . 8¾ ¾8 x x b#''à GRINTL32.DLL , ‡¾ ¾‡o ob1#à MRT7ENU.DLL, u¿ ¿u
8 8
b1à MSO97RT.DLL* wÆ ÆwŠV VŠb"#à ODBC.DEP * ‚Æ Æ‚ > > b+à SCP32.DLL& Ó Ó¼ ¼bà SETUP* ŠÆ ÆŠó ób"#à SETUP.DEP( Ô Ôæ æbà SYSTEM * ‹Æ Æ‹b bb6à VFP6R.DEP* ?Æ Æ?f fb"#à VFP6R.REG "
any idea what could''ve happened? and what is this file for anyway?
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