
Hey, I'm new.....ish...

Started by February 01, 2003 06:17 AM
6 comments, last by Dean1988 21 years, 9 months ago
Hi guys n gals. I''m new to Visual C++ Before i have use.... DarkBASIC, Yabasic (PS2), Borland C++ 6 and some HTML. I have heard people say that Visual C++ is the way to go for Game Programming. So thats why i''m here I''d just like to know a few things... 1) Wheres the best palce to start? Games? Apps? 2) Whats Easier, DirectX or OpenGL? 3) Where can i find really basic Tutorials on either of the above? Thanks, Dean. I''''m new,so take it easy.
I''m new,so take it easy.
Hi Dean!

Great to see that you''re interested in game programming, it''s a wonderful world out here .

1) I''d say that... well, the language is the same between game and application programming, and so are the general design principles. So, if you WANT to make games, I don''t think you should write applications to learn programming, write games. You''ll be dealing with completely different libraries in games and application programming, though.

2) I use OpenGL myself, and I''d say that I think it''s a tad easier than DirectGraphics. DX all in all is just so weird

3) For OGL I suggest - as for DX tutorials you could probably find it at NeXe (is it ?) or at MSDN ( Beware though, MSDN is HUGE!

Good luck!

PS. Yabasic is pretty sweet
It''s best to start getting comfortable with some apps before tackling game programming. you should at least be able to write some simple console apps with visual c++. be familiar with C++ syntax and at least know what objects are. I have never used OpenGL, so I can''t tell you. But, to get into DirectX, if you have a bit of cash, go buy Windows Game Programming for Dummies for a good intro to game dev using DirectX. It won''t make you a master at game development, but it will open up all kinds of doors for learning, including OpenGL.

Greetz Dean1988.

1) did you mean website? if so, is it!....
2) definitely OpenGL. though others claim that learning both opengl and d3d was easy for them.
3) i have win32/opengl tutorials at:

other good opengl tutorial site:

if you are for d3d8, a good place is:

keep codin''....

(PS: i''m looking for some writers for my website. i am planning on creating a section on my site that has articles/tutorials written by other people. would you perhaps volunteer to write some tutorials for darkbasic?)

nomad | Nomad Forum
Hey there.

1) As someone already said, the language will be the same across both; but trying to write games from scratch will not help you. Games are high-performance apps, and are not simple beasts. Game developers make use of every trick in the book to squeeze every last slowdown out of their games; as such, working with game code straightaway isn''t a brilliant idea (IMO).

However, going for simple games - ''guess the number'' is one I get people to write in whatever language - could help you. You need to learn the language first, before you learn game techniques; otherwise, you risk learning those techniques in a bad way - imagine trying to lay out a webpage when you''ve learnt the IMG tag but not the TABLE tag...

2) For a beginner who wants to get something up on screen quickly, I''d recommend OGL. However, it''s not the most forgiving of APIs - expect to see nothing the first few times you try running your app. On the other hand, D3D will encourage good object-orientated programming style, and will take care of many things (such as models, or loading textures) for you. (That''s not always good; it''s never a bad idea to learn how to do those things yourself). Oh, and if you want cross-platform compatability - say, you want to run your app on a Mac or a Linux box - you need to use OpenGL.

In the end, it always comes down to personal preference.

3) Go with NeHe for OpenGL - it''s excellent. NeXe is a little behind the times (or was when I last checked) but this site''s Direct3D section is still good and fresh.

Enjoy your stay.

- saving pigs from untimely fates, and when he''s not doing that, runs The Binary Refinery.

Richard "Superpig" Fine - saving pigs from untimely fates - Microsoft DirectX MVP 2006/2007/2008/2009
"Shaders are not meant to do everything. Of course you can try to use it for everything, but it's like playing football using cabbage." - MickeyMouse

Thanks guys. Keep em commin''
I''m new,so take it easy.
oh hi dean you probably remember me.

you just think i''m here. i''m really not.
I have a feeling dean is 14

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Quote: Michael TanczosCut that shit out. You shouldn't be spying on other people.. especially your parents. If your dad wanted to look at horses having sex with transexual eskimo midgets, that's his business and not yours.

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