
Xbox Stuff

Started by May 12, 2000 10:37 AM
40 comments, last by JesseJenson 24 years, 9 months ago
Hey Everybody. Just some quick questions. What does everyone think of Xbox? And what about the now 733MHz announcement at E3? Personally, since I hate MS, I''m not pleased with Xbox. I mean, it''s a PC. And while there is nothing wrong with a PC, a console is a console, a PC is a PC. Not only that Microsoft doesn''t know games. I mean, I don''t think they''ve ever made their own game, have they? Flight Sim comes to mind, but that was bought from another company. And about the 733MHz deal, I think it''s just there to scare Nintendo and Sony. Since Xbox is going to be running some form of Windows, they''ll need 733MHz in order to get Dreamcast performance out of the thing. Anyway, what are everyone else''s thoughts? -Jesse
As for MS''s ability to write games, who says MS has to write any games for it? The vast vast majority of console games are not written by the console manufacturers, but by third parties. Given that existing DirectX games will port to the platform very easily and the old standby C++ compilers and libraries will work just fine, having a critical mass of games when the box rolls out will likely be the least of MS''s XBox worries.

As for the performance of the box compared to existing consoles, we''ll just have to see, won''t we?

(my byline from the Gamedev Collection series, which I co-edited) John Hattan has been working steadily in the casual game-space since the TRS-80 days and professionally since 1990. After seeing his small-format games turned down for what turned out to be Tandy's last PC release, he took them independent, eventually releasing them as several discount game-packs through a couple of publishers. The packs are actually still available on store-shelves, although you'll need a keen eye to find them nowadays. He continues to work in the casual game-space as an independent developer, largely working on games in Flash for his website, The Code Zone ( His current scheme is to distribute his games virally on various web-portals and widget platforms. In addition, John writes weekly product reviews and blogs (over ten years old) for from his home office where he lives with his wife and daughter in their home in the woods near Lake Grapevine in Texas.

xbox will cause one more big law suit against Microsoft monopoly.

Law: monopoly must not take the advantage of its monopoly status in other markets

Unless a new company is founded for xbox, xbox business will obviously fail.

Original post by JesseJenson
Hey Everybody. Just some quick questions. What does everyone think of Xbox? And what about the now 733MHz announcement at E3?

I hadn''t read about this yet, actually, but if what you wrote means that the X-Box will ship with 733MHz processors, I think this is great news.


Personally, since I hate MS, I''m not pleased with Xbox. I mean, it''s a PC.

No it''s not. It''s a console. Just because it has similarities doesn''t make it a PC. They are blurring the lines a bit, but it''s still a console. And what''s up with the Microsoft hatred? Any real reasons, or did you just jump on the bandwagon? (You''re welcome to your opinions, I''m just curious.)


And about the 733MHz deal, I think it''s just there to scare Nintendo and Sony. Since Xbox is going to be running some form of Windows, they''ll need 733MHz in order to get Dreamcast performance out of the thing.

I hope it does scare them. I hope it makes Sony keep PS2 away from us long enough to stick some FSAA hardware in. I hope Nintendo sees this and makes whatever changes they need to make Dolphin compete.

About Windows needing the 733MHz, doesn''t the Dreamcast already use a modified version of WinCE?

Jesse Chounard
"xbox will cause one more big law suit against Microsoft monopoly."


So, for the sake of argument, let''s assume that a blow-cryer company has a monopoly on the hair-drying market. Even if they are prosecuted and told to "scale back" their business practices, what is stopping them from developing ice skates?

I''m not following your line of reasoning, Kate.
Original post by JesseJenson

And about the 733MHz deal, I think it's just there to scare Nintendo and Sony. Since Xbox is going to be running some form of Windows, they'll need 733MHz in order to get Dreamcast performance out of the thing. Anyway, what are everyone else's thoughts?

Just because you hate MS, doesn't mean you have to come on here an spout bs. The X box is no dreamcast. It uses a 4th generation geforce chipset (currently you can only buy up to 2nd generation), featuring per pixel lighting, 4th generation hardware T&L, shadow maps, and tons of other shit, and it's the closest thing to photo-realistic gaming you'll ever have seen. (look at the demo if you don't believe me)

I'm not to keen on MS either, but I don't let that get in the way of reality.

Edited by - benjamin bunny on May 12, 2000 1:00:45 PM | Automated GL Extension Loading: GLee 5.00 for Win32 and Linux

Original Post by Thumper
shit, and it''s the closest thing to photo-realistic gaming you''ll ever have seen. (look at the demo if you don''t believe me)

That wasnt produced on an Xbox. That was made before the thing was even prototyped.

In a market where there are 3 major monopolies already in exhistance I don''t see Microsoft being in any type of trouble at all.

For years Sony, Nintendo, and Sega have been pricefixing their console systems, restricting development and charging extremly high prices for games.

Do I think the Xbox is good? Hell yea it''s good, not only is it faster than any console system in exhistance or on paper, it will break down the walls that the above japanese companies have placed around their products. It''s time that the consumer market stood up and told Sega, nintendo, and Sony to get bent. We aren''t paying $300 for a console system which comes with out a game and only has one controller!

Now as a developer I''m even more excited about the Xbox, it''s going to expand the types and genres of games that are being developed for the console systems now.

As for the PC comment, your damn straight it''s a PC, but it''s a PC that will work on a TV. More people own Console systems than personal computers so it only makes since microsoft would try to bring the PC to every one who owns a console system. Nintendo, Sega, and Sony should be quaking in their boots. The Xbox is extremly easy to program for.

Now for the Anti-MS attitude, I''d like to point out a few things. If microsoft didn''t exhist in the since we know it, we wouldn''t have half the computing standards we take forgranted today. Who do you think pushes for "Standards"? V.90, OLE, and DirectX are just a few of the things microsoft has had a large part in pushing as a standard.

Now let''s talk about the current economy...Have you looked at the stock market lately? Notice how the only companies making any real money have to do with some type of technology. Who do you think feeds this market? Nvidia sells 50,000,000 video cards because the new version of windows 2000 came out and now your .5 meg video card is not supported. It''s a circle, With out MS pumping out new versions of products every 6 months there would be no reason to upgrade current products, although at first it appears good for the consumer it''s not good in the long run because if no one was buying new technology, then there would be no reason to develop the technology further.

The bottom line is don''t get caught in the little box when you have the option to see what''s outside the box.
Joseph FernaldSoftware EngineerRed Storm Entertainment.------------------------The opinions expressed are that of the person postingand not that of Red Storm Entertainment.
Yikes. Have an opinion, get flamed. Nice.

But anyway, that''s beside the point. I guess I shouldn''t have been so down-sounding on the Xbox. It''s cool, in some ways. If it can actually push graphics like the prerenders in realtime. And the sound capabilities, and 733 MHz chipset are awesome. They leave a lot of room for developers to push the envelope in terms of game design.

Now, for the "Anti-MS" stuff, I guess I should have stated that I "highly dislike" MS. Why? Years of Windows crashing on me for no reason, possibly? Poor product support? Poor hardware (my itellimouse explorer with intellieye broke in a week)? I don''t know.

And as for me surrounding myself in a box, and spewing BS. What on earth does having an opinion have to do with that? Please tell me, and I will certainly understand. I simply stated my opinions, and asked for others. I mean, I''ve seen people on this Forum system say they hate Pokemon, Sega, etc, etc, are they spewing BS? Are they? They''re sharing an opinion, and the least you people could do is show a bit of maturity, and state yours also.


Personally I don''t think the X-box spec was impressive enough for something that is more than a year away (if Microsoft is able to ship on time that is). The only thing that really speaks in favour of the X-box is that it will supposedly be easier for Windows developers to write games for the MS console than for any of the other consoles.

Microsoft''s ''standards'' are as much standards as Sony''s PS2 ''standard'' or Sega''s Dreamcast ''standard''. In other words, totally proprietary. MS have been able to hold back computer development for years by using its power in the marketplace to compete by destroying competitors rather than through innovation. Luckily the US courts have recognized this and hopefully MS will be corrected.

However, I do agree that the console market is very closed and hopefully MS can shake things up a bit. The ideal development would be if MS could force the other console makers to agree on some common programming standard (maybe a Java implementation optimized for gaming?) to counter the advantage that the X-box will have with its use of DirectX.


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