
fantasy concept art

Started by May 12, 2000 08:29 AM
-1 comments, last by TSA Chairman 24 years, 9 months ago
I need a concept artist for my latest game 7 Sons of God. Though the company already has an artist, he does not draw to the theme of the game. It is a techno fantasy like game involving floating cities,towns,villages,etc. I have all of the characters described and all of the cities,towns, and villages are surrounded by spheres that make them float. This game has many special effects and as long as you are a good artist (you dont have to be in the industry) and can draw to the theme of fantasy games I would, like your help. The sons of god have long hair (if you have played final fantasy 7 and have seen sephiroth you get the idea) and a cloak with some other detals that will be described to you if you are willing to take the job. The game has two playable characters with two point of views but take the same major events. Cleo, who will have a dark theme and Micah who will have a light theme. They are enemies in the game but you can play as either one.More details will be givin if you choose to help.I have basically let you know about some of the themes in the game so you can know what kind of art you will be doing.(art style i mean) Chairman of TriSpherical Arts
Chairman of TriSpherical Arts

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