
Books, Books and more Books

Started by May 11, 2000 08:10 PM
9 comments, last by Homer Schmodkiff 24 years, 3 months ago
Hey I''m a newb. I browsed through the reference/books section quickly on the site. But I didn''t see anything on General Programming in C. Only C++ stuff. Anybody have recommendations on some good C books to start out on. Any replies would be much appreciated. Thanks.
There are a TON of C tutorials out on the net. You have ICQ, right? If you want to, I''ll send you an entire book on C. It doesn''t take up much memory, but I forget where I got it. If you want it, we''ll make a quick deal and then you can go on and start learning C!

'I'm sorry Dave. I'm Afraid I can't let you do that...'
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
Why do you want to learn C first? It''s better for you to start out the "right" way (with OOP) and forget about all that procedural stuff I wish I did...

/. Muzzafarath
I'm reminded of the day my daughter came in, looked over my shoulder at some Perl 4 code, and said, "What is that, swearing?" - Larry Wall
From a lot of things that I''ve read, learning C first is better, and I tend to agree. C++ is nothing more than an extension of C, anyway. If you can write a program in C, you can write it in C++. You''re gonna have to learn that part of the language first, anyway. Then you get into Objects (which, BTW, C has a TYPE of object--a structure--that''s about as good, IMHO). If you learn C, first, then C++ is a breeze, believe me. Oh, and, BTW, even WITH objects, C++ is really just a procedural language, anyway.

P h a n t a s m
"Through dreams I control mankind."
I can''t agree with previous poster. Going to bed with nightmares now
A polar bear is a rectangular bear after a coordinate transform.

Thanks I''d be interested. Still, I''ve heard it is best to use online tutes as supplements to a good book/s.


Hey man I''m a newb, I don''t want to jump right into pOOP err.. I mean OOP. Seriously there seems to be a good source of game programming info in C. Haven''t seen anything good in the C++ stuff. I wanna get comfy with C first. Trust me, I know I want to move onto OOP.


I tend to agree wholeheartedly with your post. Could recommend any good books?
I think C++ is better to learn because you learn the more powerful way of doing things first, rather than learning a language and having to re-learn a LOT of concepts so you can make your code more flexible. Anyone can learn C++ just as easily as C.. you make it sound like C is easier to learn than C++, when actually it''s not. Sure, if you can write a C program, you can write it in C++. However, if you write a program in C++, you might not be able to do it with C...

'I'm sorry Dave. I'm Afraid I can't let you do that...'
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
Everybook I have seen on C and C++ start out the same way (Except for mabye printf/cout_. For real beginners it reallly doesn''t matter too much. My recommendation is the 2 volume c for dummies set. Check it out


"Unintentional death of one civilian by the US is a tragedy; intentional slaughter of a million by Saddam - a statistic." - Unknown

Someone responded with an actual response to my question? Thanks MIke. I''ve been eyeing the dummies set. Just wanted to double check. Volume 1 seems reeeally slow. Haven''t looked into the 2nd. But thanks I''ll keep looking for it.
Ok, that was my only problem with volume one, the pace is a bit slow. But, it''s worth the slightly lower pace for a good understanding and an entertaining time. I actually havn''t read the second volume (by the time it came out, I already knew everything in it), but if it''s half as good as the first, then it is worth every penny.

"Unintentional death of one civilian by the US is a tragedy; intentional slaughter of a million by Saddam - a statistic." - Unknown

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