
Adding interactivity to your 3D worlds...

Started by May 11, 2000 05:38 AM
-1 comments, last by Gemini666 24 years, 4 months ago
Hi everybody, if you want to add realtime interactivity to your 3D worlds, I can highly recommend you to visit: You can download a 90-day trial-version with full functionality and then it''s just a question of exporting to NeMo from 3DStudioMAX or Maya. It will export geometry, textures and animations and then, once inside NeMo, you can start to drag-n-drop interactive behaviors onto your objects. Creating games with no programming skills is finally within reach of us non-c++ mortals. They have even made a dynamic-extension for NeMo with fantastic gravity and collision effects. And all this is realtime - the stuff that Maya and Max takes ages to calculate. I''ve been using the trial-version for a couple of months now, and one of the games I made has been nominated among the 5 best games in their Arena-competition. It''s a public vote running till the 31st of May, so check out the games and vote - they''ll make a random draw where you can win a Voodoo5-board... Regards, Gemini

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