
Where should a newbie start????

Started by January 23, 2003 01:58 PM
6 comments, last by yanks1343 21 years, 9 months ago
hi, i am new to all of this and i am lost where i should start learning. ok, i was playing the online rpg Dark Agess. I want to learn how to make a game like this. Where do i start? I don''t know anything. Please help me!!!
You could always start with and go from the beginning.

Try RealityRift at
No no no no! :)
I''m also startin'' with C++/DirectX. So I had a look at this site. I think it''s very good, as well as for beginners as for advanced coders.
If you''re new to literally all of this, it would make sense that you would first want to evaluate your desires and skills. Programming is not the only thing that goes into making a game, even though you''ll find that most of the regulars around here are coders; there are also design, art, sound, and other aspects. So ask yourself what part of the game you''d like to make.

If you want to be on the critical path and programming, perhaps I can give you a few tips (since that''s the only part of the process I''m intimately acquainted with).

1) You MUST be a good problem solver to go anywhere with game programming. Pull up a copy of Quake and play it straight through, asking yourself all the time, "How would I do that?" If you can get an idea in your mind of how to put a game together after doing that for awhile, you''re probably a prime candidate

2) You will not be making games for awhile. How long will depend on your skills and how much effort you put into learning to code. Before you ever put your first pixel on the screen of your own effort, you''ll need to be very familiar with a language (see next point), and (more importantly) how to convert reality into code through design. All that to say: start out very slowly, lest you become dreadfully discouraged. This IS hard stuff.

3) Languages are plentiful, but ideal game progamming languages are not. You''ll get recommendations that range from QuickBasic to C# and touch on everything in between. Right now (and I say this with some hesitation, because the choice is so subjective), the language of choice for game programmers is C++. What I mean is, C++ is the best-supported and most often used language. It is a bit difficult for the beginner, so if you take it as your own, you''ll probably want a class as well (if your school offers an advanced computer science class that covers programming, that would be great (unfortunately, the academics are forcing the APCS program over to Java...)).

4) Stick with it. Ask questions. Don''t fear ignorance, because only by confronting it can you overcome it. Don''t get discouraged. If this is something you really have a passion for, you can do it if you hang in there.

If you have any related questions, drop a line here (or email me; link below).


//email me.//zealouselixir software.//msdn.//n00biez.//
miscellaneous links



You got it. Impressive. Congratulations!


I found a good c++ tutorial (in my opinion)on under articles & tutorals on a site called games++ megasite. Check it out and see if you like it. btw ZealousElixir is 100% correct problem solving, patience, and persistence are probly the 3 p-words you''ll need to remember when beginning to learn to make games.
also you might want to look here if you havn't already

EDIT: what was wrong with that link??!!
EDIT2: silly me forgot = sign

[edited by - googlyeyes on January 24, 2003 7:01:48 PM]

[edited by - googlyeyes on January 24, 2003 7:03:15 PM]
You know, someone needs to update that Start Here page.
For one, it is way too heavy on the DirectX. There are other APIs out there, especially for non-Windows systems.
For two, even if DirectX heaviness was done on purpose, why have examples of things teaching DirectX 3.0? Is that even compatible with 8.0?

I propose an update, if only to add more content rather than change it. Let newbies realize that OpenGL, SDL, and other APIs exist. Let them realize that other languages exist (C++ is not the end-all, be-all of game programming). Give them the ability to make a choice.
-------------------------GBGames' Blog: An Indie Game Developer's Somewhat Interesting ThoughtsStaff Reviewer for Game Tunnel

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