hi all!

Could you help a newbee (me) rotate texture maps please?
I''ve searched the net up and down and found some, but none of it seems to work for me (doing it wrong probably)...
Even messed with trigonometry but it seems I must have slept during my once long-ago math classes

I''ve managed to load up the uv coordinates from the ASE format like this (simplified and snipped down a single point in a triangle):
glTexCoord2d( uvmap[0].u , uvmap[0].v );
glVertex3f ( ver[0].x , ver[0].y , ver[0].z );
what I want is to rotate the UVmap, lets just say 45 degrees...
I need to use glMatrixMode(GL_TEXTURE); is that right ?
but how?
something like this:??
glRotatef( 45, 0 , 0 , 1 )
glTexCoord2d( uvmap[0].u , uvmap[0].v );
glVertex3f ( ver[0].x , ver[0].y , ver[0].z );
of course this isn''t it or I wouldn''t be asking...
please assist