
Some blatant advertising

Started by January 20, 2003 01:38 AM
16 comments, last by Structural 22 years, 1 month ago
:D I shall use this thread to blatantly advertise my very first game: Pong3D... ok ok... not the most original game, but it certainly has taught me A LOT of things and created a lot of handy basecode for me to use in future projects. I have learned one thing for certain and that is that one shouldn''t aim too high when making his first game or demo. I also wanted to make my own 3D engine in the beginning, but it turned out too difficult. I started with OGL in November last year, and made this in four weeks. You can get it at: or I''d like to thank NeHe for his great tutorials which I often used for this project. Perhaps I''ll E-mail him tonight, as I don''t have access to any E-mail here. Thank you!
Remarkable work. One suggestion is about the cursor which needs to be bright for easy aiming.

On my machine (Dual 1.6ghz Ahtlon, 512mb, GeForceTi4600) running WindowsXP your game crashed on load ..

Not sure if this helps but:

The instruction at "0x10009a3f" referenced memory at "0x00260000". The memory could not be "written"...

so, god knows basically...

If you made it in vc++ i could try compiling it on my machine?

The paddle doesn''t quite stay under the cursor as you move it towards the edges of the box. Being familiar with my mouse''s usual speed, I''ve found it to be a little hard to control. Overall, though, nice game!
Original post by jezzgoodwin

On my machine (Dual 1.6ghz Ahtlon, 512mb, GeForceTi4600) running WindowsXP your game crashed on load ..

Not sure if this helps but:

The instruction at "0x10009a3f" referenced memory at "0x00260000". The memory could not be "written"...

so, god knows basically...

If you made it in vc++ i could try compiling it on my machine?


I discovered whilst writing my 3d asteroids game that I got this error about written memory when I try to use an instance without declaring it first:

blah *blahblah;
// blahblah = new blah();

thus I mean I forgot the second line.

good luck for future work

ah yes, I remember seeing this on the game programming forum a few days ago (been busy modding my case, so I havn''t been on much ) - it was extremly impressive. Nice to see how much better it''s got. It truly is very very good. (btw, are you still using the stencil buffer?)

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I agree with you. I guess the contrast on my screen at home is a bit high. Here at work I can see it needs some brightening up.

I have had other people running the game under WindowsXP without any problems. Apart from that I have tested it on Windows2000 and Windows Millenium (if something runs on millenium for over 10 minutes, it runs everywhere )
Someone else also had an error on windowsXP and downloaded the package a second time, after which it suddenly worked.
If you really want the code you can E-mail me at , and I''ll send it to you.

I''m aware of that problem, but it''s because I cannot pinpoint the exact coordinates of the cursor in 3D space. Atleast I haven''t found a way to do so yet. The width isn''t static either, as it can be changed in the config file.

I''m not aware of any pointers to objects in the game. There are only a few objects, but none refer to another one with a pointer. I haven''t seen any access violations in the testing period either, nor has anyone else who played the game.

Yes, I still use the stencil buffer for my reflections. I haven''t taken a look at scissoring yet and thereby I''m affraid that I get weird results when not using the buffer. I could be wrong there as I know nothing about scissoring.
Good thing I added an option to disable reflections in-game .

Thanks for the feedback!
ack >.< i posted but it didn''t send...

This is an EXTREMLY nice game. I absolutely love your physics, they add a nice ''spin'' on the game
It looks extremly good, but I have to agree with Luya, the paddle definetly needs to be brightened... You could add a setting in the game maybe (so then it''s not too bright on people with higher contrast, but then it can also be fixed for lower)

Are you going to be releasing the source code? Or would you let me see it? I am *just* starting to learn OpenGL, and I don''t know what I should put in my basecode, and I think if I could see yours it would help alot.

I''m not releasing the code for that would require me to manage it too much and too long. I''m already thinking about my next project and have seen enough Pong3D the past four weeks.
But those interrested can E-mail me at and I''ll send it to you (tonight or so, as I don''t have access to my e-mail here).
I have to warn you though as the code is quite unpretty, badly commented, still contains a lot of bogus lines that I''ve commented out and some unfinished parts of basecode.
If I haven''t scared you yet, I''ll E-mail it to you :D

Drop me a line...
Wow!! That''s some nice game you got there! I absolutely love those spins, it adds a whole new level to the game.

I had good fps (dunno the number, didn''t see any fps counters), with a AMD Athlon 1200, 512mb ram, GeForce2 gts and WinXP.

Great work!

Btw, got to level 10/2 ^^


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