
Anyone thought about a chat room?

Started by January 20, 2003 12:27 AM
8 comments, last by jezzgoodwin 22 years, 1 month ago
Hello everyone, I thought instead of asking Nehe directly I thought it''d be good to hear people''s point of view on having a NeHe productions chat room. A kinda help resource for people with burning questions to ask them directly to a group of people guarenteed to be online. Just wondered what others think about the idea. -Jezz
these forums are almost chat rooms
Sign me up!
I like the idea, but there would be the problem of keeping the chat room on topic when over a hundred people are in it at once.

It would be cool if anyone could start a chat room with a topic, much like the forums here, then anyone could join to chat about that specific problem.

If it could work like that I think you have a great idea.
That would be so cool.

Someone has to do it.
Perhaps it's better if the whole of gamedev gets an IRC server. Or do they have one already?
Anyway, you'll probably find that these forums are a much better way of communicating. Chatting is usually banned at work places and conversations are volatile there. Here you can post a topic and you can look back every day to see if you got a reply. In a chatbox you have to be lucky enough that someone there just happens to know your answer.
I'm not against a chatbox or IRC server or whatsoever, I even believe that it could be fun and handy from time to time, but there are always conns.

Almost forgot... if any admin reads this: hosts a big IRC network and online games on it. If you cannot host your own IRC server they may be a good alternative.

[edited by - Structural on January 20, 2003 2:46:12 AM]
We already have one of those, it''s called #gamedev

If I had my way, I''d have all of you shot! - Just click it.

What about an account on eproject so we can share files ?
well.. the sites livechat option didn''t exactly take off...

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NeHe did have a &#106avascript chat room like RipTorn said. I went in there when I was online and I think I only actually saw 1 or 2 other people in there, and they were afk at the time. Perhaps that''s just a timezone thing. *shrug*

Plus, there are plenty of really good opengl chat rooms out there. Try #opengl for a start. </shameless plus>

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