
What Library do I include to get stdio.h to work?

Started by January 15, 2003 04:35 PM
8 comments, last by Sky 22 years, 1 month ago
The compiler knows this, you need to make sure you point the compiler to the lib directory. For example using Borland free commandline tools this would be:

bcc32 -IC:\bcc55\include -Lc:\bcc55\lib myfile.cpp anyother.lib

But you really should look in the manual for the compiler you are using.

Pax vobiscum.
No no no no! :)
i''m using dev-c++, so i don''t have a manual
Original post by Sky
i''m using dev-c++, so i don''t have a manual

Yes, you do; but that''s another matter.

Dev C++ uses GCC with the MinGW32 port of much of the Windows related headers and libraries. MinGW32 uses the Microsoft C runtime so that an additional runtime doesn''t need to be packaged with applications. The library that you link to for the Microsoft C runtime is named ''libmsvcrt.a'', and you link to it with -lmsvcrt in some linkage/compiler options (it should be linked to by default).

Is a specific function turning up unresolved? If so, what is it?

[Linker error] undefined refrence to ''auxDUBImageLoadA@4''

and adding -lmsvcrt didn''t work.
auxDIBImageLoadA (what I assume you meant instead of auxDUBImageLoadA) is part of GLaux, not the C runtime. GLaux is dead, and it was evil even before it was dead. Skip to tutorial 24 or so, where it is demonstrated how to load textures manually. You can, of course, use another image loading library (like OpenIL/DevIL), instead of doing it manually.

[edited by - Null and Void on January 15, 2003 5:59:25 PM]
You mean the one about loading tga files?
and do any of the tutorials after the bmp one need gluax too?

[edited by - Sky on January 15, 2003 7:16:14 PM]
*IF* you wish to use the glaux lib ( migth be easier for you at first since it means less code and doesn't deviate from the tutorials ) you can find it in the programming download section on my page:

There is also a repacked version of DevIL that will actualy work with Dev-C++.

ps. rember to write -lglaux in the "linker options" field in the project properties ( alt+p )

pps. *DONT* delete anything else that is allready there ( properly -lgl -lglu )

happy coding

/Please excuse my bad spelling - My native language is binary not english
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\Take my advice - I don''t use it...

Made the link clickable

[edited by - guppy on January 15, 2003 10:07:08 PM]
/Please excuse my bad spelling - My native language is binary not english|Visit meTake my advice - I don''t use it...
Thankyou, I was just about to ask for that dll.
I sent email about your request. Hope it helps. For those who like to use glaux libraries but who haven''t in their computer, let me know. I may create a compressed file that include all glaux libraries.

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