I have a problem, that i don''t see a way to solve.
This is concerning textures..,
I''m making an editor for my 3d objects, and i want to render a button, that suppose is size is 100x30 pixels.
If all the textures i can use in opengl have to be, a power
of two, how can i render my button in a 100x30 rectangle??
I think you can just put the 100x30 button in a 128x128 texture for example and use: (if its in the left top corner)
(100/128, 0) = ( 0.78, 0)
(0, 30/128) = ( 0, 0.23)
(0.78, 0.23)
for the texture coordinates.
The part of the 128x128 texture that not used by the button can be used for other small textures.
I hope this helps you.
(100/128, 0) = ( 0.78, 0)
(0, 30/128) = ( 0, 0.23)
(0.78, 0.23)
for the texture coordinates.
The part of the 128x128 texture that not used by the button can be used for other small textures.
I hope this helps you.
This is a common problem and there is an easy solution (which can be found in NeHe''s texture tutorials), creat your texture for your button using gluBuild2DMipmaps() instead of glTexImage2D(). Mipmaps can handle images of any dimensions.
Hmm, well that''s not strictly true. If the texture map isn''t a power of 2, gluMipMaps calls another glu function to resize it to the closest one.
WickedMystic''s method is the method of choice
Paul Groves.
OpenGL for Beginners
WickedMystic''s method is the method of choice
Paul Groves.
OpenGL for Beginners
Paul Grovespauls opengl page
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