
Trouble with NeHe's tuts

Started by January 12, 2003 08:51 AM
0 comments, last by Roming22 22 years, 1 month ago
I work with VC++ 6.0, and when I copy paste the code of some lesson (tutorial 20 for example) in a .cpp file and compile it, it won''t run. So I guess I''m using the wrong type of project. So which one should I use (Win32 console,Win32 App,MFC AppWiz,...)and with which options?? The problem is not having the .exe (I downloaded the files for VC++ on the site) but to be able to start a new projet. I feel so dumb right now!!! I''m making a game but don''t know how to use VC++ 6.0 . Test my Pool Game: ( Sorry, it''s in French !!!
it''s the win32 app...don''t worry, many beginners make the same mistake also....

i have opengl tutorials also at:


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