
help with SLOW graphics

Started by January 11, 2003 02:06 PM
19 comments, last by adam17 22 years, 1 month ago
i am following the tuts from nehe and they work nicely. the only problem that i am having with the software is i get approx. 2 frames per second. my program is only pushing 14 triangles. im assuming im using the CPU for all of the processing. my question is does nehe's code use the GPU for drawing? if it does then does anybody have any suggestions for me? if it helps im using VC++ 6.0 on a 1.67GHz Athlon XP, 512MB @ 400MHz RAM, GF2Ti. [edited by - adam17 on January 11, 2003 3:09:14 PM]
Have you downloaded and installed drivers for your video card? If not, you''d want to go to and find some, in your case. The default drivers that come with Windows (what I assume you''re using, as you mentioned MSVC) are pretty old (pre-XP) or crippled (XP).

im using WinXP pro and i do have the latest drivers 41.09
i adjusted the zbuffer and i didnt get any performance increase.
if anybody wants i can post my code.
I''m assuming you don''t have framerate troubles with any of your games? If not, I doubt it''s a driver problem.

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all of the professional games that i have ie quake, ut2k3 they all run fine with average framerates.
make absolutly sure you zero the memory in your pixelformat discriptor stucture before you start setting the various values you want. And make sure these are valid values, such as no accumulation buffer, etc.

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im not exactly sure what you are talking about but here is the descriptor:

    	static	PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR pfd=				// pfd Tells Windows How We Want Things To Be	{		sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR),				// Size Of This Pixel Format Descriptor		1,											// Version Number		PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW |						// Format Must Support Window		PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL |						// Format Must Support OpenGL		PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER,							// Must Support Double Buffering		PFD_TYPE_RGBA,								// Request An RGBA Format		bits,										// Select Our Color Depth		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,							// Color Bits Ignored		0,											// No Alpha Buffer		0,											// Shift Bit Ignored		0,											// No Accumulation Buffer		0, 0, 0, 0,									// Accumulation Bits Ignored		Z_Buffer,									// 16Bit Z-Buffer (Depth Buffer)  		0,											// No Stencil Buffer		0,											// No Auxiliary Buffer		PFD_MAIN_PLANE,								// Main Drawing Layer		0,											// Reserved		0, 0, 0										// Layer Masks Ignored	};    

all of this is written in the BOOL CreateGLWindow function.

[edited by - adam17 on January 11, 2003 7:34:24 PM]
ok, that all looks ok, (the pixel format discriptor is the most common place you can cause a gl window to run in software).

what numbers are you using for ''bits'' and ''Z_buffer''?

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both are set to 32

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