hi folks.
i am very new with gl, and i have a problem (nice start heh?

i have to draw and animate a bunch of squares made of 64 by 64 squares each with different colours. its all 2d, but i will need zooming. no lighting, no alpha!
now i based it all on tutorial 12 from hene in cocoa (macosx). the source supplied works perfect, but when i use it i am unable to use perspective roatation (using other values in gluperspectives roatation than 0.0 makes it invisible

also the asepct ratio part doesnt seem to be effective (while it is in the demo).
last but not least i cant use full screen, right, again goes invisible.
any suggestions to where the fluke might be?
i dont get any errormessages, exceptions or console messages.
as far as i tracked it down i do all the same as in the demo, except i dont use txture but a diaplylist of the squuares (there is some calculations in between beginlist() and endlist(), dunno if that does anything...).
i use a slightly different timer setup too...
i am under a bit of deadline pressure for a mediamaster project, so it would be nice if someone could help me wuick
