
Problems running demos

Started by January 08, 2003 03:02 PM
1 comment, last by Trismagistus 22 years, 1 month ago
When I compile run some the tutorial code I will often get a BSOD with a KMODE_EXCEPTION. I''m running Windows 2000 on a Gateway Solo laptop with a S3 Savage/IX video driver. Any thoughts about what I can do?
Have you tried to upgrade your drivers ?
You might also want to test with OGL games like Quake 3 to see if they crash too.


I looked into that, but apparently there were no upgrades for my driver. I have the problem with even some of the simpler tutorial programs, like Lesson 2. The crashes don''t occur every time I run the program. Also it seems to depend on whether other programs are running which might indicate some sort of memory issue; however I have over 500 megs of memory so I would be surprised if this was the issue. I don''t think the Savage/IX was meant for heavy duty graphics, but again even the simplest programs can cause the crash. Is it just pointless to attempt to run this programs on my laptop?

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