
When proggy !Active how do I minimize ?

Started by January 03, 2003 05:43 PM
1 comment, last by cippyboy 22 years, 1 month ago
When proggy !Active how do I minimize ? IN all Nehe Tutorials there`s been such a variable but if you press ALT-ESC or ALT-TAB the aplication just stays in the background...In real aplications they minimize... I only need the function and parameter for this : Like SendMessage(hwnd,WS_MINIMIZE,0,0); //This doesn`t work...

Relative Games - My apps

ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_MINIMIZE);

- Jono AH
- JonoRule #1: If you build it, they will come -- to hack and cheat.
actuall if you sent the WM_CLOSE command in the sendmessage() func, it would minimize the window. NO it does not close the window either. If you dont beleive me take a look on MSDN. WM_DESTROY kills the window.

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