
Benchmarking D3D

Started by May 03, 2000 12:16 PM
0 comments, last by dgruber 24 years, 5 months ago
Originally, we wanted to benchmark Fastgraph 6.0 vs. Direct3D hardware and software rendering. In general, the speed comparisons are what we expected. In the process, though, we have seen some interesting anamolies. For example, when we compare solid polygons vs. textured polygons, sometimes the D3D hardware rendering is 10 times faster for solid polys. Other times it is only 25% faster. Why is there so much difference? Is the difference in the hardware or in the driver? I would really like to conduct tests on a lot more systems. I''m looking for volunteers. Please have a look at this page: . If you have a few minutes, email me for the benchmark tests. It''s a small file (<250 k), and it will just take you a couple minutes to run the programs and report the results. I''m especially interested in low-end and unusual systems. So if you have an old rattletrap computer you inherited from your dad''s hardware store, let''s test it. (It needs to run Win 95 or above, though). My email is: TIA for your help with this! Diana
quote: Original post by dgruber

(It needs to run Win 95 or above, though).

Does this include MacOS?

Seriously tho, i didnt think that what you are asking for could be done accurately.

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