The Two Towers - Contest
Its going to show up sooner or later so here it is - the thread to start talking about hopefully the next contest.
The only thing i really have to talk about is the deadline - i say we submit this demo around the time The Return of the King comes out. That gives us all enough time to make a really good demo - the last ones for the fellowship were good, i say we try to take it up a noch. One of the biggest problems i have is trying to find the time to make demos for contests. This also gives us quite a bit of time to find a good and fitting prize - all things being fair, i say the prize be paid for completely from donations made to the site (tomorrow is christmas btw - feel generous).
Found one other thing to talk about - do u guys think that we should go strictly on the two towers or can we also dabble in the fellowship and the return...i really dont care but it would be an interesting option to explore.
I reckon the 2 towers would be a large enough subject area on it''s own. There''s more than enough interesting graphical effects to simulate and loads of nice imagery throughout.
At first I thought it may turn into a ''who can get the most good looking billboard troops on screen'' comp, but there''s lots of other stuff - wargs, ents, gandalf + the balrukh, lots of cool buildings, the dead marshes, dwarf tossing :¬) More than enough to work from i think.
I think i like the long deadline idea: would give time for more people to enter, as well as having the exitment of the imminent new film to fuel those last bursts of coding ;¬)
On the prize funding: maybe an entry fee? Even if its only $1 it makes it less of a worry for nehe to organise prizes. Anyone who seriously can''t afford any entry fee at all could maybe post their entry in its unfinished form and people who had already entered could vote whether they showed enough merit to get a free entry.
Or is that just going to be over complex and counterproductive? Hmm.
Another idea is to have a rule that people must submit their art assets for anyone to use, one month before the end of the compo - that way people who are artistic get a bonus, but keeps the main thrus a coding comp by giing everyone some access to the models etc. It may also mean that by the end theres a nice big collection of LOTR themed media for enthusiasts to use, both new stuff and found on the net.
Anyway, some more ideas to mull over
At first I thought it may turn into a ''who can get the most good looking billboard troops on screen'' comp, but there''s lots of other stuff - wargs, ents, gandalf + the balrukh, lots of cool buildings, the dead marshes, dwarf tossing :¬) More than enough to work from i think.
I think i like the long deadline idea: would give time for more people to enter, as well as having the exitment of the imminent new film to fuel those last bursts of coding ;¬)
On the prize funding: maybe an entry fee? Even if its only $1 it makes it less of a worry for nehe to organise prizes. Anyone who seriously can''t afford any entry fee at all could maybe post their entry in its unfinished form and people who had already entered could vote whether they showed enough merit to get a free entry.
Or is that just going to be over complex and counterproductive? Hmm.
Another idea is to have a rule that people must submit their art assets for anyone to use, one month before the end of the compo - that way people who are artistic get a bonus, but keeps the main thrus a coding comp by giing everyone some access to the models etc. It may also mean that by the end theres a nice big collection of LOTR themed media for enthusiasts to use, both new stuff and found on the net.
Anyway, some more ideas to mull over
I''ve been waiting for a long time for a contest - I think it''s a great idea. I have no problem paying 1$ entrance fee.
- Yuval
- Yuval
To be honest , the more I think about it the more I think an entry fee is unrealistic - it''d have to be a small amount like $1, but the transfer fee (from paypal or whatever) would be twice that...
more people than you think wouldn''t be able to pay an entrance fee. It''s normally not the matter of the money, but having to sign up to paypal and most importantly having to have a credit card.
Baldur K soonIt''s here!
Talk to me on ETG: #opengl and #gametutorials.
Baldur K
Talk to me on ETG: #opengl and #gametutorials.
I for one would not be able to pay. but maby someone could donate a prize. if not i''m still in for ''the glory of it'' 
Its a chance to test your skills and compare them to everybody elses. nobody is going to make a living by wining this thing are they? so the prize would only be a nice bonus anyway.
if people cant aford to pay to enter they dont have much money so then the prize dose not have to be that big for them to appreciate it! make sense?
so lets get some ideas of a topic for this thing to get the ball rolling.
no topic => no comp => no prize. not no prize => no comp.
- Jono AH

Its a chance to test your skills and compare them to everybody elses. nobody is going to make a living by wining this thing are they? so the prize would only be a nice bonus anyway.
if people cant aford to pay to enter they dont have much money so then the prize dose not have to be that big for them to appreciate it! make sense?
so lets get some ideas of a topic for this thing to get the ball rolling.
no topic => no comp => no prize. not no prize => no comp.
- Jono AH
- JonoRule #1: If you build it, they will come -- to hack and cheat.
Personally Id be happy with just having entries scored, and no prizes as such involved. The winner simply getting the recognition here for the work he/she put into the demo.
"When I have a problem on an Nvidia, I assume that it is my fault. With anyone else''s drivers, I assume it is their fault" - John Carmack
"When I have a problem on an Nvidia, I assume that it is my fault. With anyone else''s drivers, I assume it is their fault" - John Carmack
-----------------------"When I have a problem on an Nvidia, I assume that it is my fault. With anyone else's drivers, I assume it is their fault" - John Carmack
If you''re interested, send me an email. Tell me what you feel the rules should be, the deadline, etc... and hopefully I can come up with a draft for the contest based on what you guys would like to see.
Unfortunately, I have not yet seen the movie... but I''m sure I will once time permits.
Unfortunately, I have not yet seen the movie... but I''m sure I will once time permits.
woohoooo - finally Jeff announced the possibility of a Two Towers contest
))) all your guy''s ideas are great... but the one thing that I will make sure Jeff sticks to is that the contest is based on "The Two Towers" only .. and like someone said there is soooooo much that a person could work with from this movie. So email jeff your ideas so the contest can be announced officially
Good Luck to you all

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