
NeHe base code problems

Started by December 19, 2002 09:56 PM
-1 comments, last by adam17 22 years, 2 months ago
i have been working with NeHe''s opengl base code for a while now. im trying to figure out how to manipulate a camera for a first person shooter demo. on my machine i can only get about 3-5 frames per second. does anybody know why? im running it in Visual C++ on an 800mhz Athlon w/ 1GB RAM and a geforce2 64mb. in my code i have six position variables: camera x, y, & z, and target x, y, & z. the target positions are found by the following lines: Mag= cos(XA*piover180); XR = Mag * cos(YA*piover180); YR = Mag * tan(XA*piover180); ZR = Mag * sin(YA*piover180); gluLookAt(Xpos, Ypos, Zpos, XR, YR, ZR, Xpos, Ypos+1, Zpos); XR, YR, & ZR are the target coordinates. anybody have a clue? help would be very much appreciated!

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