
Anyone wanna help me with a remake of Final Fantasy One?

Started by December 19, 2002 06:38 PM
-1 comments, last by jeffsuofm 22 years, 2 months ago
Hey everyone...For the past few months I have been working on remaking Final Fantasy One using C++ and Open-GL. I have had ton''s of fun doing the programming but have come to the realization that I need some help with ideas and programming. I could really use some help from some people that know a lot about game engine design. I would preferably like the person that helps out to have a college degree in programming or at least knows what they are doing..but beggers can''t be choosers so any response would be cool... Some things I need help with are... - Programming Skeletal Deformation for characters - Modeling Low Poly Characters - Fixing up the Character Import into Open-GL The rest of the stuff should not be too bad after that If interested in helping me at thanks everyone later Jeff Sheiman

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