
Publisher Contracts

Started by December 18, 2002 06:28 AM
2 comments, last by mhdev 21 years, 11 months ago
Hi, i make a study concerning computer-games. I have some questions regarding publishers and their contracts: 1) How much money does a publisher pay for a game ( f.e. RTS ) to the Development-Studio ? 2) Are their any examples for publisher-developer-contracts ? 3) Does the Development-Studio get a fixed amount of money or a certain percantage of the sold units ? MH

The developerstudio often gets a fixed amount of money per sold unit of the game. This amount will however increase with the number of games sold, at some fixed points say: 100.000, 250.000 and 500.000 units sold etc. So the more their games sell the more they get per sold unit. I''ve heard that some game development companies get $1 - $6 per sold copy of their games. As mentioned earlier this will increase at fixed copies sold.

quote: Original post by Deficite

$1 - $6 per sold copy of their games.

But when they are in the development state of there game, are they getting money from their publisher? And from the 50$ a game costs in the store they get only so little?

Most insist on an Advance Against Royalties, which is basically what you are saying.

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