About Tut 1
Hi Guys,
I was just going through tut 1 and was wondering about the graphics lib that is being used. In the tut I see that Nehe makes reference to gl.h,glu.h, etc. and was wondering how can I use the GDI+ libs instead of these OpenGL libs. Is GDI+ the latest library''s for OpenGl on the XP? And if I use GDI+ instead and they are not one and the same, I guess I would have to find out the equivalant commands that related to the ones used in the tut''s, correct?
Na man thats called OpenGL
Might be good to figure out what you are doin before you start doin it.
It's not reality that's important, but how you perceive things.
A man's reach should exceed his grasp.
edit by ze: please, prepend your URLs with "http://" to avoid relative linking. Have a marvelous day.
[edited by - zealouselixir on December 18, 2002 9:13:55 PM]
Might be good to figure out what you are doin before you start doin it.
It's not reality that's important, but how you perceive things.
A man's reach should exceed his grasp.
edit by ze: please, prepend your URLs with "http://" to avoid relative linking. Have a marvelous day.
[edited by - zealouselixir on December 18, 2002 9:13:55 PM]
That''s what I am trying to get at. I take it from your response that OpenGl and GDI+ are two different API libs to create graphics with, correct? Don''t give me some jive ass comment about knowing the difference, I don''t and I was asking! That''s what this forums all about learning how to create graphics using OpenGL and also how it relates to other graphics programming. I hope the others don''t give answers like yours, rein man!
Original post by MrJJCoolJ
That''s what I am trying to get at. I take it from your response that OpenGl and GDI+ are two different API libs to create graphics with, correct?
GDI+ is a very limited API; it does not allow 3D at all. You will probably have great difficulty converting the NeHe tutorials to GDI+, even the ones that do not use 2D stuff, because of fundamental design differences in the api. Why do you not want to go with OpenGL?
Don''t give me some jive ass comment about knowing the difference, I don''t and I was asking! That''s what this forums all about learning how to create graphics using OpenGL and also how it relates to other graphics programming. I hope the others don''t give answers like yours, rein man!
To the limited extent in which Reindeer was out of line, you are WAY out of line. Brusque responses are to be expected in cases like this, where you quite obviously have done very little research. Five minutes on google would''ve told you what GDI and OpenGL are. Responding with outright hostility like you did will get you flamed, ignored, and eventually banned. In the future, do your homework before posting, and cool your jets.
Don''t listen to me. I''ve had too much coffee.
I''ve never even heard of GDI before this point...
OpenGL is OpenGL. It has it''s own files, and that''s it.
Except for glut, which is completely optional (it''s sort of a "newbie friendly" set of functions which can make getting started a little easier).
MSN: nmaster42@hotmail.com, AIM: LockePick42, ICQ: 74128155
"It''s all part of the conspiracy of conspirators conspiring to conspire their own conspiracies..."
OpenGL is OpenGL. It has it''s own files, and that''s it.
Except for glut, which is completely optional (it''s sort of a "newbie friendly" set of functions which can make getting started a little easier).
MSN: nmaster42@hotmail.com, AIM: LockePick42, ICQ: 74128155
"It''s all part of the conspiracy of conspirators conspiring to conspire their own conspiracies..."
_______________________________________Pixelante Game Studios - Fowl Language
I took your advice Snef and went to Google where I looked up GDI+
This is what it had to say :
GDI+, formerly known as GDI2k, will be the next-generation GDI from Microsoft. GDI+ will create the infrastructure for new desktop user interface innovation, will permit easy integration of 2-D and 3-D, will bring digital imaging to the desktop, and will raise the bar on desktop graphics and performance. GDI+ will offer enhanced graphics capabilities such as alpha blending, antialiasing, texturing, and advanced typography and imaging. GDI+ will emphasize hardware acceleration with excellent visual quality.
Gee from the sounds of this Snef it looks like Microsoft is banking on GDI+. Oh and it does 3-D. So it looks like my original post had alot of meaning when I asked to compare the two.
Maybe u should use Google too
GDI+ is a very limited API; it does not allow 3D at all. You will probably have great difficulty converting the NeHe tutorials to GDI+, even the ones that do not use 2D stuff, because of fundamental design differences in the api. Why do you not want to go with OpenGL?
I took your advice Snef and went to Google where I looked up GDI+
This is what it had to say :
GDI+, formerly known as GDI2k, will be the next-generation GDI from Microsoft. GDI+ will create the infrastructure for new desktop user interface innovation, will permit easy integration of 2-D and 3-D, will bring digital imaging to the desktop, and will raise the bar on desktop graphics and performance. GDI+ will offer enhanced graphics capabilities such as alpha blending, antialiasing, texturing, and advanced typography and imaging. GDI+ will emphasize hardware acceleration with excellent visual quality.
Gee from the sounds of this Snef it looks like Microsoft is banking on GDI+. Oh and it does 3-D. So it looks like my original post had alot of meaning when I asked to compare the two.
Maybe u should use Google too

will permit easy integration of 2-D and 3-D
Microsoft''s API for 3D is DirectX, so judging by the word integration I think they were talking about GDI having a better support for DirectX in the future, like easier to use render to window or something.
Generaly speaking, GDI (graphics device interface) is used for 2D interface stuff like your windows desktop. Even if there''ll be some 3D functionality in the future, I don''t think M$ is trying to replace DirectX. OpenGL is an equivalent to DirectX.
Both DX and GL are used for (accelerated) 3D applications, that is: They make use of advanced graphics card features like T&L etc.
I don''t think reading through the first best site about GDI+, OpengGL, DirectX is sufficient. Information may be wrong, so I suggest reading quite a few and compare the info before you quote what they say.
How do I set my laser printer on stun?
Key phrase: "will be". Don''t expect to use GDI+ to make the next Quake anytime soon. That will require full buy-in from graphics chipset manufacturers and software houses, and is definitely not something to hold your breath for. Right now, GDI+ is most useful for raster- and vector-based 2D stuff, just like GDI.
If for some reason you absolutely must do 3D on GDI+, I suggest that you concentrate on Direct3D for the nonce. The chances are very good that MS will endeavor to maintain a close correlation between the two. OpenGL is a state-based API, and as such is unlikely to resemble GDI+.
Don''t listen to me. I''ve had too much coffee.
If for some reason you absolutely must do 3D on GDI+, I suggest that you concentrate on Direct3D for the nonce. The chances are very good that MS will endeavor to maintain a close correlation between the two. OpenGL is a state-based API, and as such is unlikely to resemble GDI+.
Don''t listen to me. I''ve had too much coffee.
Thanks for the reply's guys! Was wondering how do u know if u have the latest header files and lib for OpenGL?
Also which library OpenGL or Directx, is the better one to go with? I take it that Quake3, Medal of Honor are built using OpenGL? What is there strengths and weakness's?
[edited by - MrJJCoolJ on December 18, 2002 10:50:19 AM]
Also which library OpenGL or Directx, is the better one to go with? I take it that Quake3, Medal of Honor are built using OpenGL? What is there strengths and weakness's?
[edited by - MrJJCoolJ on December 18, 2002 10:50:19 AM]
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