

Started by December 17, 2002 08:34 PM
6 comments, last by samosa 21 years, 10 months ago
im a programmer (hope u caught onto that from the subject, i know its subtle) anyway, ive decided to get my feet wet doing some 3d modelling, ive always been ok at drawing, i really have a passion for creating, thats why i got into programming, but its more making someone elses art become alive, and their art is always better than mine could be, but i still want to make some of my own models, so what im trying to say is, does anyone know of any good tutorials to learn to model basic objects from? ive already looked in gamedev''s resource section, and ive searched google, i found some things but not exactly helpful things, i want to create vehicles and everything on google seems to be modelling people, im hoping a nehe of modelling exists somewhere out there thanks for any help, lata ,Matt -= kill one your a murderer, kill thousands your a conquerer =-
-= kill one you're a murderer, kill thousands you're a conquerer =-
what u planning to use for modeling???

ya man, i while back i to was thinking about taking up 3d art... "taking up" hahah, that almost sounds to easy.. have u seen the size of one of those manuals? this aint photoshop man! u needs to have some hardcore dedication...
Maaaaaaaahahaha. Who''s da king baby?
im using a free modeler called "openfx" i dont have the money to spend on a good retail modeler cause im just doing this for fun, and i dont think that pirating it off kazaa will be a very good thing to do ive made some very basic stuff, the best thing i made is a tank turret, man is it ever crappy, id post a pic of it but i dont feel like uploading it to my web page


-= kill one your a murderer, kill thousands your a conquerer =-
-= kill one you're a murderer, kill thousands you're a conquerer =-
I use Animation Master, and can''t recommend this tool enough. I love it, and it''s not too expensive. I''m a programmer, who wants to do artwork, and discovered it''s not that hard.

Check out my first creature (in progress).

Ya, I know the arms are too long in this render, it''s fixed now. Also I''m still working on the head, that''s why it''s just floating in space. Anyways this is just me playing around learning to model, and it looks pretty good.

Everything in this picture was created by me, and I''ve had no training in 3d modeling at all.
He''s a bad motha - Shut yo mouth.
The site has some okay tutorials---and they are sorted based on the program! Hopefully, you can find at least some of them useful (even if you don''t use that particular program!)
Search for Blender. It''s a free modeler as powerful as the professional programs that cost a few thousand. It''s a little complicated at first but it''s also open-sourced so it should be widely supported with new features soon if not already.
i just finished downloading blender, looks pretty cool, im reading some tuts on it, looks promising, i cant wait to make my first tank

EDIT: great pic shaft, how long did it take you to make it?


-= kill one your a murderer, kill thousands your a conquerer =-

[edited by - samosa on December 18, 2002 3:59:18 PM]
-= kill one you're a murderer, kill thousands you're a conquerer =-
I used to use Blender for modeling. Its great, but have switched to wings3d. Its modeling tools fit me better than Blenders. Although I still use Blender for animation/rendering.

You can get Wings at

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