

Started by April 30, 2000 08:19 PM
7 comments, last by PsYcHoPrOg 24 years, 10 months ago
I had just played everquest on my pathetic 56k modem, and suprisingly, there was no lag! A huge 3d world with chat, magic spells, and thousands of people moving around in this world all at the same time! And there was no lag! I decided to try looking at the recommended or "optimal" requirments and they were simply:
  • 200 mhz
  • 64 megs of ram
  • a 3d card
  • what kind of requirements are these? They're low as hell! How was this done! How could the game code possibly be optimised to the point where their is no lag with several hundred people in the same, huge area of a 3d world with these requirements!? "Remember, I'm the monkey, and you're the cheese grater. So no messing around." -Grand Theft Auto, London "It's not whether I win or lose, as long as I piss you off" -Morrigan, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo Edited by - psychoprog on 5/1/00 6:50:34 AM
    My guess is that the programmers at Sony are just damn good.

    ---------------------------Hello, and Welcome to some arbitrary temporal location in the space-time continuum.

    I think it''s very careful to limit how much work is done by your computer... i.e. the code ignores anyone/anywhere past a given distance from the player, so not as much must be updated every frame.

    "The wise make proverbs, and fools repeat them." -- ISAAC D'ISRAELI
    trust me, 200 mhz and 32 RAM is NOT enough, I''ve played at that. You need at least 300 with 64 RAM. As for bandwidth no game needs more than a modem. No game. For some games T1 and stuff like that gives you better lag but that has nothing to do with how much stuff is being sent, just your ping time. Again, bandwidth does not matter for any game currently on the market.
    No game, eh? Well, it just so happens that I have tried Q3A over the net, and there is basically no lag. However, if I were holding a shotgun and fired it, the shot wouldn''t be taken until about 2 seconds later. And, I''m using a 56k modem.

    You see, this is why I''m getting DSL. And Age of Kings also seems to lag a lot over Modem DirectPlay.

    "Remember, I'm the monkey, and you're the cheese grater. So no messing around."
    -Grand Theft Auto, London

    "It's not whether I win or lose, as long as I piss you off"
    -Morrigan, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
    Okay, can any of you tell me, after you look at my specs below, why EQ might play so damned lousy?

    Pentium II 400
    16mb RIVA TNT
    128 RAM
    Cable Modem

    EQ plays like CRAP on the machine... should it be like that when I have specs that go far beyond the requirements?

    3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
    Moving to lounge...
    ~ The opinions stated by this individual are the opinions of this individual and not the opinions of her company, any organization she might be part of, her parrot, or anyone else. ~
    Felis, what exactly does "moving to lounge...." supposed to mean?

    Anyway, when I played, I was playing with:

  • 550 Mhz

  • 32 MB Diamond Viper

  • 128 MB Ram

  • Piece of Sh*t 56k Modem

  • I'm getting DSL soon anyway. So I won't have to worry about my ping being high!

    "Remember, I'm the monkey, and you're the cheese grater. So no messing around."
    -Grand Theft Auto, London

    "It's not whether I win or lose, as long as I piss you off"
    -Morrigan, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo

    Edited by - PsYcHoPrOg on 5/2/00 3:50:22 PM

    Somebody got upset about me not saying something when I moved his post, so I said something this time. This was in the General and Games Programming forum. I moved it here.

    ~ The opinions stated by this individual are the opinions of this individual and not the opinions of her company, any organization she might be part of, her parrot, or anyone else. ~

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