backdrop image
hi, how can i put an image behind everything in my scene that will resize with the window, kinda like a desktop wallpaper...
i was wondering if theres a better way to do it than just a simple textured quad because if i want to move stuff arround on Z they might pass through it, although that would be good for hiding objects temporarily so i dont have to unload/reload them...
how would you guys make a backdrop...
Theres no such thing as stupid people... only people with under clocked brains. -dirty
Render the backdrop using an orthographic projection rather than a gluPerspective one (if you also enable blending the backdrop shouldn''t be drawn over any objects, it will always appear in the background).
See the Nehe tutorials on how to do this.
See the Nehe tutorials on how to do this.
One technique you should definitely check out is skyboxes. You basically disable depth testing, draw a small textured cube around the camera,then enable depth testing and draw everything else. It''s as if the sky textures on the box are infinitely far away. Google for "skybox textures" to find good textures. There''s C++ code at
you can try modifying and using.
you can try modifying and using.
December 22, 2002 08:14 AM
look at the opengl faq on they show a good example of it. It''s something like How can I render a full screen quad
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