Programming Lifestyle
With the countless hours spent in front of the computer screen working on your dream program, how do you find time to exercise? Ever since college my body has gone to hell and seems pretty content on staying there. I love programming alot but lately I don''t want to spend much time on the computer. The thought has floated into my head that maybe I should get rid of my computer. The closest I came to doing that is leaving my desktop home for a week while I was at college. All I had was my crappy laptop. I want to make all these game ideas into reality and have a good body. Maybe I just need better time management skills. Well this is just me ranting about something that''s been on my mind. You''re more the welcome to post any comments or thoughts.
"I won''t waste my time fitting in, because I don''t think contrast is a sin."
Well if you''re like me, it''s easy to get caught up in a programming project and become a little bit obsessed with it where it starts to consume all your time and energy. Programming is fun, but it''s good to get away from your PC once in a while and spend time with friends, getting exercise, and just enjoying the sunshine outdoors. Does this require better time management? No, just a examination of priorities. If programming really is THE most important thing in your life then I guess there''s no need to take time out for other things, but I suspect from your post that it isn''t in your case or you wouldn''t care about your body. In that case, just make a commitment to yourself to exercise a certain amount each week (come up with a scheduled routine and stick with it) and when it comes time to exercise DROP EVERYTHING YOU''RE DOING and go exercise. You can leave yourself notes so you don''t lose your place on what you''re working on, but it''s critical that you learn to remove yourself from your work and do other things if you want to have a life away from your computer. Oh, and when you''re exercising or enjoying the outdoors, try not to think about your programming project; it''s much more relaxing to allow your mind to venture into other areas every once in a while instead of being entirely focused on one thing, and I think it''s better for creativity too, not to mention it makes you a much more well-rounded person.
Original post by bob_the_third
it makes you a much more well-rounded person.
I think he doesn''t want to be well-rounded B-)
Seriously, I agree though. I started to gain weight as well. My doctor told me I gained 20 lbs in 2 years, which is probably lucky compared to some people.
In any case, eating right helps. I found that I wasn''t necesarilly full from eating smaller portions, but that I was able to get by just fine. For instance, I used to buy the 6" veggie delite at Subway. I found that I was still a little hungry, since I am used to eating till I was full, but that I was able to get by just fine.
(I eat the foot long veggie delite now, but I am trying to save money so making my own sandwiches is more cost effective)
In terms of working out, I tried to do some push ups and such, but I stop after a couple of days only because I don''t organize my time around it.
Still, I am losing weight because I eat well and probably get more exercise walking/running to the train for work than anything else. I haven''t weighed myself recently because I haven''t really been concerned about it, but I used to sit in front of the computer a lot. Or sitting in general. At work, at home, at class. I was sitting.
Now I seem to be moving about more. Christmas shopping probably helps too. B-)
-------------------------GBGames' Blog: An Indie Game Developer's Somewhat Interesting ThoughtsStaff Reviewer for Game Tunnel
I goto school for 6 hours, then do track or cross country (changes depending on the season) for around 2-3 hours and then come home program, work out, then program more...
somedays i allow myself to skip everything and relax and have fun with my friends, but other than that i run a tight shift
<- Digital Explosions ->
"Discipline is my sword, faith is my shield
do not dive into uncertainty, and you may live to reap the rewards" - (Unreal Championship)

<- Digital Explosions ->
"Discipline is my sword, faith is my shield
do not dive into uncertainty, and you may live to reap the rewards" - (Unreal Championship)
Mountain biking, the most addictive sport ever. Also, it seems like after every time I go ride everything is more clear and I get loads of new ideas for games and how to improve my code. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
www.FlegDev.tkJust code it!
December 15, 2002 08:46 PM
So, what do you do when your body and mind is content to stay round and plump and you hate exercise?
December 15, 2002 08:47 PM
Yep, mountain biking. I do it solely for fun, but since I do it 3-4 times a week for at least an hour, I end up in decent shape without ever thinking about "exercising". It is addictive, so I crave it if I spend more than 3-4 days off the bike.
I used to race motocross which kept me in good shape and led to an active lifestyle. After that stopped then I went to college and it got even worse. People still tell me I''m not fat but I''m getting there. Better to try to solve the problem before it gets out of control. I''d like to think that after college I can really start to get things under control. There is a weight room right in my basement!!! You see people on tv with all these failed diets and what not, that''s like me with working out somewhat. I try working out but I never seem to stick with it. I know it''s all my fault to. I know there is no secret to being thin like some people like to believe. Next semester I will try again and hopefully this time with better results. I sometimes wish we were back in the 60''s, 70''s or even early 80''s. Though I have no first hand experience of these time periods except for the early 80''s. They relied less on technology and more on physical labor. Am I wrong? I let my mind wonder sometimes and come up with these crazy thoughts so don''t mind me.
"I won''t waste my time fitting in, because I don''t think contrast is a sin."
ive never had that problem... i have the metabolism of a rabbit... i could sit on the comp eating bon-bon''s and bacon grease all day and actually lose weight, lol.
Theres no such thing as stupid people... only people with under clocked brains. -dirty
ive never had that problem... i have the metabolism of a rabbit... i could sit on the comp eating bon-bon''s and bacon grease all day and actually lose weight, lol.
Me too... except I doubt I could stomach some bacon grease

Anyway, I play hockey (field hockey) a fair bit, that is pretty fun to do and it really does use a fair bit of energy. Look around for a friendly competition (like an indoor soccer thing, or a reduced scale game like 7-a-side hockey) and get some friends together for that. I also play a bit of soccer just with friends and that works well even though I don''t really like soccer.
Trying is the first step towards failure.
Trying is the first step towards failure.
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