
screensavers & GLUT

Started by December 13, 2002 04:35 PM
6 comments, last by eitrith 21 years, 11 months ago
Hi, I would like to know if I can make screensavers with a glut application. How can I do? Thanks and sorry for my english (i''m french) Eitrith
I will help you out with your English. Say "How can I do this?"

And not, "How can I do." This is infering that "do" doesn''t

take a Direct Object. You''d only ask "How can I do" if you were

wondering about your potential, i.e. "How much potential can I

have." But that''s a bad way to write it as well. Try to use

conversational grammar, and not propper grammar. conversational

grammar is how you talk to somebody. Propper grammer is no


Next Lesson: __stressed onomatopoeia__

-This means using words that describe sounds such as, cough, boom, bang, slap, crunch, pop! And so on...

-However, on thes forums, when a smart-ass(this means trying to be funny, sarcastic and rude) moderator says something like this,

*cough* *ahem* *laughs his ass off*,

it kind of sets the mood, like music, like sound!

-There''s your basic English.

*shuts up, and leaves the room*
"Anonymous Poster" *cough* I was reading your post and when I
finnished it I said to myself: "Where''s the answer to eitrith''s question?"

*shuts up, and leaves the room still wondering: Where''s the Goddamn answer???*

AP: The fact is that you could understand what he was saying. He is French; his first language is not English. Give him a break. I''m sure you''d be slightly pissed off if you had to talk foreign tongue when you wanted answers to potentially complex problems. I''m also pretty sure you wouldn''t manage it as well as him. If you are so disgraced by his English, I''m sure he''d be happy to talk French with you.
thx! i'll never ask anything on this board!

[edited by - eitrith on December 15, 2002 1:16:42 PM]
Sorry eitrith. You asked a perfectly legitimate question, although I don''t know the answer you deserve a legitimate answer. As you may find AP''s around here post to piss people off, just ignore them! Also good luck with the problem.
I doubt that you could make a full screensaver with GLUT. The problem is that when a screensaver is started it''s passed an HWND to tell it where to draw, this is particularly important for the preview window.

If you don''t care about having a preview, build a glut application that handle the command line as follows. When it is started with argc[1] = "/c", display your settings dialog. When starten with "/p", do nothing, this is the preview mode, but the argument for the window to draw to is an HWND, so you can''t have a preview. When started with no arguement, or an "/s", create a fullscreen GLUT application, the exits when a screen saver typicly should.

Then rename the exe with a .scr extension and put it in the directory with other screensavers (C:\windows or where ever).

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