
Please test my game :)

Started by December 13, 2002 08:36 AM
10 comments, last by ironhell3 22 years, 2 months ago
Hi, the new release of Hell World is here.Download alpha 11 from please test it and tell me your likes and your dislikes.Also tell me what to add in future releases and help me translate the game in your languages (read Docs/Localisation.txt) Thanks! Hell World Game/3d Engine Find it at
Hm, not bad

When I started the game it went right on to show some sort of intro. This somehow confused me because I wasn''t really prepared to see something like that, but it''s a good idea

As for the actual game: Besides walking around, is there anything I can do? Took me a while do see there''s some kind of door, but then there''s nothing else but a big room I can walk around in?

Mouse seems to be working, just a bit slugish at times, but seeing that it''s labeled as "development" I guess it''s ok

One thing I missed was a way to configure keys, or at least an explanation what keys I can actually use. (Please try to at least give me strafing abilities )

btw: The sky is making me dizzy =) Maybe slow it down a little.

Not bad at all ^_^
How do I set my laser printer on stun?
Wow, that sky does make you dizzy

I was pretty confused. I found i could walk througha brick wall and not walk through a door, or it looked like a door anyways. I went through some water portal thingy too and thats where the "door" was.

Great start though keep it up! I would try to do some optimizing, it ran sluggish on my P4 :-p Plus the mouse didnt work for me, maybe i need to set it up?

IT Administrator / Software Engineere
Dustin DavisOwner / CEOProgrammers
Hi, thanks for the feedback. The configuration of keyes probably will be the first thing to be added in the next release of Hell world. If you press the tab key you could see the objectives for each level.To open the doors, just press the spacebar key.And last to activate the mouse just go to options menu from the main menu.I hope now it''s a lot clearer
Ps: i think that the sky is a very nice feature.

I am waiting more feedback

Hell World Game/3d Engine
Find it at
Heh - reminds me when I tried to implement CD (collision detection) in a simple world of mine. I ended up with the Philadelphia Project... regarding your''s - it''s a bit tacky still - I''m sure you''ll want to work on it, then again - CD''s pretty much a killer topic, at least IMO. I''m presuming you''re not building off of anything - so much the better - just keep developing. Remember: if you build it, they will come.

A few sidenotes:

1) You die if you can''t strafe or jump
2) You die if you can''t fire your Molten Magggma Gun
3) Uninverted mouse suxors
3.5) Inverted mouse noes not suxor
4) What''s behind the door? - couldn''t find the skull key Or is it like Wolf-style? Walk along the walls and hold down spacebar - maybe walk away with a few tons of Nazi gold and, of course - the chickens?

"Literally, it means that Bob is everything you can think of, but not dead; i.e., Bob is a purple-spotted, yellow-striped bumblebee/dragon/pterodactyl hybrid with a voracious addiction to Twix candy bars, but not dead."- kSquared
Ok a couple of things...

you need strafing, without strafing, its a useless pile of code...

you need to allow the user to change the mouse sensativity, its just way to low, and is a bit awkward...

the mouse doesnt move up or down for me... :\

the bounce is nice

i cannot walk through walls, also nice job there...

umm, gun or no gun? that is the question, i hope you have plans to show it...

ummm, wut else, well for me, (right now i have 4x aa forced on every game) it looks awesome, it has very little anti-aliasing issues and the resolution is nice you should however, try to get even better textures than

the sky is fine for me and doesnt make me dizzy, but should be turned down a notch...

hmmmmm....gui, needs a gui...

of course some of these shouldnt be done right away (gui/hud) but get working on the movement cause once you have movement, its golden..

oh ya, JUMP!! w00t

nice job so far man!

<- ->
"Discipline is my sword, faith is my shield
do not dive into uncertainty, and you may live to reap the rewards" - (Unreal Championship)
Definetly moves way to slow. Walking is to slow, mouse movement is way to slow, needs strafing . Reminds me of wolf 3d also (the 90 degree walls!). Not bad for starts though .

Billy -
the engine is nice.
there are a few things you need to fix, like add strafeing and slow down the sky. oh, and maybe you can put the camera a litle bit higher than it is right now.

i have only one question. i too am working on one engine, and i was wondering how did you do the collision detection?

Krisc: mouse support for now is development.Also jumping strafing gui and the rest are things i have in mind
Bazooka Blaster:Ok, i also noticed the camera is too low in levels 2 and 3 (this IS a bug) and the fault is the total redesigning of all level from the previous release.

I also want to ask you to help me localising the game in your languages.Only greek and english are supported for now

Hell World Game/3d Engine
Find it at
ok, but only if you help me with collision detection.


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