Simple top view 2d game?
Can someone please tell me were i can get a simple (i mean simple top view move up/down/left/right) 2d game with source code in c++? I just want one example to learn from. Ive been searching but all i can find are 3d based.
If any of you guys are willing to give me a simple one you have coded / lying around your h/drive i would very much appreciate it.
Thank you very much.
Try looking at Nehe''s Zelda Games. They should be of help either that or have a look at the downloads page, the last time I checked their where one or time 2d games.
I have one that might be of use to you. It's a little more complex then just move up down left right even though it is 2d. you control the speed with S and W. Then A and S rotate the image so it's a little space ship floating around. If you look on the message board it was this that was giving me the rotation problems that people so graciously helped me with. Email me at with a subject of something like NeHe or NeHe message board so I can distinguish it from the wonderful spam I receive on a daily basis. Or you can message me on AOL instant messager, my AIM name is SeanTuble. It can be your christmas present
This program is just a modification of lesson 19 I believe, but modified enough so it doesn't resemble it.
Oh you said "a game", well it's not one yet but a 2d image that moves around the screen that you could add to. I would say it's a good start to a 2d space shooter. Email me or message me if you're interested.
[edited by - TTP_ExciteB1ke on December 13, 2002 9:33:51 AM]

Oh you said "a game", well it's not one yet but a 2d image that moves around the screen that you could add to. I would say it's a good start to a 2d space shooter. Email me or message me if you're interested.
[edited by - TTP_ExciteB1ke on December 13, 2002 9:33:51 AM]
"I won''t waste my time fitting in, because I don''t think contrast is a sin."
I think he meant that he wants to make a tile based game?
[edit] Guess not...
[edited by - Hawkeye3 on December 13, 2002 9:05:51 PM]
[edit] Guess not...
[edited by - Hawkeye3 on December 13, 2002 9:05:51 PM]
Original post by TTP_ExciteB1ke
Oh you said "a game", well it's not one yet but a 2d image that moves around the screen that you could add to. I would say it's a good start to a 2d space shooter. Email me or message me if you're interested.
[edited by - TTP_ExciteB1ke on December 13, 2002 9:33:51 AM]
Yep, thats exactly what i want

Thanks allot, ill send you an email

[edited by - Xnin on December 13, 2002 6:49:20 PM]
You said all you can find are 3d based ones. Well this is made in OpenGL using lesson 16 in the tutorials so it is "3d based" but all the viewer sees is 2d. Not sure if you sent the email or not but I just checked and didn''t see anything in there. If you did and are sure you didn''t mistype it I probably got it mixed up with the hundreds of spam email I get. So either retype it with a more distinctive subject heading or post your email address here.
"I won''t waste my time fitting in, because I don''t think contrast is a sin."
[indent]quote:Original post by TTP_ExciteB1ke
You said all you can find are 3d based ones. Well this is made in OpenGL using lesson 16 in the tutorials so it is "3d based" but all the viewer sees is 2d. Not sure if you sent the email or not but I just checked and didn''t see anything in there. If you did and are sure you didn''t mistype it I probably got it mixed up with the hundreds of spam email I get. So either retype it with a more distinctive subject heading or post your email address here. [/indent]
I sent u an email with the title "nehe 2d game" or sometihng like that. Anyway, wenever u have time, just email me at [removed].
Thank you.
You said all you can find are 3d based ones. Well this is made in OpenGL using lesson 16 in the tutorials so it is "3d based" but all the viewer sees is 2d. Not sure if you sent the email or not but I just checked and didn''t see anything in there. If you did and are sure you didn''t mistype it I probably got it mixed up with the hundreds of spam email I get. So either retype it with a more distinctive subject heading or post your email address here. [/indent]
I sent u an email with the title "nehe 2d game" or sometihng like that. Anyway, wenever u have time, just email me at [removed].
Thank you.
Oh, just incase you didnt get my email again.
That was exactly what i wanted and it helped me allot. Thanks allot
That was exactly what i wanted and it helped me allot. Thanks allot

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