
A question I really hate to ask

Started by April 29, 2000 04:33 PM
14 comments, last by Qoy 24 years, 10 months ago
I have a very lame question, that I really hate to ask.. OK, in Windows, whenever it starts up (starting a few days ago) the icons are not arranged correctly. When it shuts down, they are in alphabetical order with My Computer, My Docmuments, etc (the microsoft crap) at the top, then the folders then the files. When it starts up again, the order is weird, with the microsoft stuff a few icons down, and the rest is arranged in a sort of semi-alphabetial order, but without regard to icon type. Does anyone know what''s happening? I know this is a STUPID question, but it''s just bugging me a bit.. Thanks!
Ya lost me!

3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
The same thing is happening to me, but I have no idea why and I really don''t care. Just as long as nothing gets deleted I''m happy.
Yeah, I know it doesn''t really matter, but it''s just one of those little things that bugs you, you know?
If its happening evertime, i would suggest right-clicking on the desktop, go to arrange icons, and unclick Auto-arrange or whatever is selected. but it doesnt always work.
I sometimes get that problem, it just seems to happen randomly. It really pisses me off, i spend all that time arranging my lovelly litle icons, and windows just has to f*** everything up doesnt it, well i guess thats Bill`s way off doing things
Ha ha. (sorry...)

The icons are on Auto-Arrange DAMMIT

And the thing that bugs me is for the last few days it''s EVERY time, not just randomly. I wish there was a way to somehow lock the icons or something..
All I know is, the BeOS never did this to me
Go Qoy!

Auto-arrange pisses me off, because it doesn''t work and it doesn''t even save the setting when I restart. $@#%!


Christianity, Creation, metric, Dvorak, and BeOS for all!
Christianity, Creation, metric, Dvorak, and BeOS for all!
I have the same problem. I''ve tried a couple things, but it seems to me that on a shutdown, the settings aren''t being saved. However, if I log off my current user, and then log on again, it will remain saved as it was when I logged off through subsequent reboots. In my case, I suspect it''s a symptom of the hardware reseting itself before Windows is done saving the settings.

Mark Fassett
Laughing Dragon Entertainment

Mark Fassett

Laughing Dragon Games

it can''t be a problem wit hardware, i used to have the same problem. one day it suddenly fixed itself and it never hapenned to me again. i dont even know what i did to fix it

- pouya

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