
Which API first?

Started by December 10, 2002 06:54 AM
1 comment, last by julienX 21 years, 11 months ago
I have read a lot about opengl and directx now, and have decided to eventually learn both. But i was wondering which to learn first? I now that you are all probably sick of posts along the lines of ''opengl or directx''. But please, for those who have learned BOTH, please advise me on which is best for beginners. And which did YOU learn first? (for those who have learned both) Also, one more thing. Is it possible to create 2D games in openGl?

quote: Original post by julienX
Is it possible to create 2D games in openGl?

yes, but they will require 3d acceleration to run at acceptable speed.
I learned DirectX 7, then I learned DirectX 8. 8 is alot easier than 7. Then I learned OpenGL. I think OpenGL is easier, but I also just started learning it a coule months ago, and my grasp on C/C++ is a million times better (ok, maybe that's a bit of an exageration ). When learning OpenGL, I also already understood a fair bit 3d math, so it seems alot easier. I think OpenGL is easier to learn though. Any comments from people who learned the other way?

[edited by - modena_au on December 10, 2002 7:46:48 PM]

[edited by - modena_au on December 10, 2002 9:41:28 PM]

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