How can Particles face to me?
Hi, I work on a Particle-System for a long time and I''m still wondering how the particles can face to me!
Can someone give me a short example how this works?
Maybe you have to explain the basics again because I may got something wrong in the past with these glLoadIdentity() things etc.
An example with Matrixes is also nice (because I don''t get them too)
It would be nice to get an example with just one particle in a window and the cam rotates around it (not just sides, also top-buttom)
Thx a lot!!

DarkMcNugget next time... ;)
for info on getting stuff to face the screen read this thread:
tho you should really learn all the glLoadIdentity() type functions and obtain an understanding of what matrices are before you start making a particle system. i''d suggest that you start working your way through the nehe tutorials (nehe.gamedev.net). also take a look at www.gametutorials.com
i''d also suggest googling around for "linear algebra tutorial" and start learning that if you want to start doing 3D engine work.
tho you should really learn all the glLoadIdentity() type functions and obtain an understanding of what matrices are before you start making a particle system. i''d suggest that you start working your way through the nehe tutorials (nehe.gamedev.net). also take a look at www.gametutorials.com
i''d also suggest googling around for "linear algebra tutorial" and start learning that if you want to start doing 3D engine work.
Thx for the link!
I''ve read all of the nehe tutorials and most parts of the Gametutorial.com tuts. I wrote my own Particlesystem with nice physics and some simple collision stuff.
The only problem I still have is the "face-to-me" problem
I had this stuff about vectors in school but the teacher was a fool. He was not able to explain anything of this stuff.
The whole Engine works without vector because of this reason, my camera too!
I will read through the topic in a minute!
Thankx a lott!
I''ve read all of the nehe tutorials and most parts of the Gametutorial.com tuts. I wrote my own Particlesystem with nice physics and some simple collision stuff.
The only problem I still have is the "face-to-me" problem

I had this stuff about vectors in school but the teacher was a fool. He was not able to explain anything of this stuff.
The whole Engine works without vector because of this reason, my camera too!
I will read through the topic in a minute!
Thankx a lott!
DarkMcNugget next time... ;)
The technical term is billboarding 

"Literally, it means that Bob is everything you can think of, but not dead; i.e., Bob is a purple-spotted, yellow-striped bumblebee/dragon/pterodactyl hybrid with a voracious addiction to Twix candy bars, but not dead."- kSquared
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