
MS3D, MD2, MD3, OBJ & more ..ehh ?

Started by December 09, 2002 03:30 AM
3 comments, last by Maxwan 22 years, 2 months ago
Hi there.. Okey, long story short, what''s in Your opinion the best of the modelfiles and why? I am (as all other around here ) making a game. It''s fast, with many models and need fast load and small size. Tell me what you think, and spare me some time
.x, as it can replace all the formats you''ve mentioned.
.cfmd , it rules ass.
Make your own format, that way you have complete control.
www.FlegDev.tkJust code it!
Im making a game myself and personally I use all of them(+ making my own). Each has an advantage MD2 is the easyest to load and draw. MD3 is pretty hard(well once you read threw a few engines and read alot about it like I did its pretty easy) since you have to link three diffrent models together to make one character. Making your own is kool because you have all the control yourself you dont have to follow rules that other people have set. But before you make your own format learn how to make a few other formates this way you have some idea of what your doing.

Some good links to check out for models (great place to learn md2 and ms3d) (great for loading md3 MODELS it dosnt put a hole character together its also for the best OS, linux ) (great for md3 (does characters with animation) and mdl md2 i dont know I used nehe''s) (the md3 tutorial sucked and I used the one from cfxweb and hellkrisp not sure about the other, you still might want to check it out)

Hope this helps!

--------------------------Nukemmsn: nukem996@hotmail.comaim: nukem996open source open mind

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