
Loading .3ds files into graphical subspace?

Started by December 07, 2002 10:01 PM
1 comment, last by Krisc 22 years, 2 months ago
Hello, I was wondering if any of you knew of a tutorial for loading .3ds files into opengl to use and display? I do not like MilkShape3D! <- -> "Discipline is my sword, faith is my shield do not dive into uncertainty, and you may live to reap the rewards" - (Unreal Championship)
Here is a tutorial aimed at Visual Studio but can be used on any IDE...

This tutorial comes from so you might want to check out thier other tutorials.
------------------------"If it says it loves me, how can it be a virus?"
Thank you, and thank you for the site.

<- ->
"Discipline is my sword, faith is my shield
do not dive into uncertainty, and you may live to reap the rewards" - (Unreal Championship)

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