
One thing I didn't get yet

Started by December 07, 2002 01:03 PM
2 comments, last by arkansas 22 years, 2 months ago
Hi Ok.. There is one thing I didn''t understand how it''s working. Some texture pics got many of little differnt textures in it. And when you look at the object its only covered by one special part of the texture. How does that work??
A great little thing called texture coordinates. They allow you to specify where on the texture the vertices of your polies are "attached", and it stretches the texels to conform to the shape of the primitive by interpolating between points.

If you want an example, just ask, but I think you can get something of an idea from that.


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Oh sure hehe.. I forgot. Oh man sometimes I''m wondering about myself.

Thanks anyways
lol, it was really odd when I ran into this before, trying to texture a menu, but instead i got like 4x4 of little menus ! :D

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