#include <fstream>
//globals - copy these into the same file your draw code is in
fstream f("fps.txt", ios::out);
unsigned FPS = 0;
unsigned FPStemp = 0, t = 0, last;
void YourDrawFunction()
t += (GetTickCount() - last);
last = GetTickCount();
if(t >= 1000)
t = 0;
FPS = FPStemp;
FPStemp = 0;
Hi, I have a slightly unorthodox question/favor to ask. I have a gf2mx200 and an AthlonXP 1400+ with refresh rates @ 120 up to 800x600 and 100 for any reasonable resolution above that. Yet, running a completely empty opengl window (nothing besides resetting the color and depth buffer, and the world (glLoadIdentity() in it), I get lousy 50 FPS @ 800x600 in windowed and 60 FPS in fullscreen mode. Anything above that decreases the framerate dramatically. I am aware that this card only has 1.3 Gb bandwidth which would become a bottleneck at higher resolutions. Running the program in fullscreen mode @ 640x480 hits the roof (120 fps, equal to the refresh rate). I have a massive opengl window class behind it all and I''m beginning to suspect that there''s something wrong with that, but there''s quite a bit of code I''d have to work throgh, so I''d like to be sure beforehand. I''d like to know what framerates for completely empty scenes are on other machines/in other engines at any resolutions up to 1152x864 (inc.). I''d also appreciate system specs, if at all possible. For those of you starting out (and don''t have an FPS counter, yet), here''s the makeshift code I''m using - it''s not 100% accurate, but it''ll do. It just creates a file called "fps.txt" and outputs the framerate in it each second.
Note: disregard the result for the first second
"Literally, it means that Bob is everything you can think of, but not dead; i.e., Bob is a purple-spotted, yellow-striped bumblebee/dragon/pterodactyl hybrid with a voracious addiction to Twix candy bars, but not dead."- kSquared
I''m interested in this topic because I need a quality FPS counter for my game, which I''m still baffled by a little bit, so ya, someone help.
Methinks the technology is called copy-paste. You might want to look at the white box in my original post... If you can''t understand it, just use it - later on you''ll understand it and write a better one yourself.
"Literally, it means that Bob is everything you can think of, but not dead; i.e., Bob is a purple-spotted, yellow-striped bumblebee/dragon/pterodactyl hybrid with a voracious addiction to Twix candy bars, but not dead."- kSquared
i''d check your pixelformat settings. make sure you''re requesting the whatever screen depth is, and don''t use fancy things such as accumulation buffer that aren''t supported in hardware.
also, try nehe''s tutorials. if they run fast enough (make sure you disable vsync in driver, framerates should hit four-digit numbers) then the problem is most likely with your pixelformat setup.
also, try nehe''s tutorials. if they run fast enough (make sure you disable vsync in driver, framerates should hit four-digit numbers) then the problem is most likely with your pixelformat setup.
framerates should hit four-digit numbers
Not on a gf2mx, I wouldn''t have thought.
More like 2-500.
okay - i looked at the pfd - it looks okay, so the bug lies somewhere else. anyway - there''s no use in disabling vsync if the framerate doesn''t even come close to the refresh rate, wouldn''t you agree... I''m starting to sustect that it is the video card that physically can''t handle the strain. Got 250 fps on a gf2mx400 @ 800x600 (empty scene) and it improved by around 20 if I increased the gpu core clock speed - so ther you have it... However - some lousy 13 fps when drawing 32000 polys seems a little too outrageous... Weird.
"Literally, it means that Bob is everything you can think of, but not dead; i.e., Bob is a purple-spotted, yellow-striped bumblebee/dragon/pterodactyl hybrid with a voracious addiction to Twix candy bars, but not dead."- kSquared
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