Half-Life sucked
Ok the whole game was totaly awsome until the end!!! I loved it until these morons said hey lets send you to destroy this monster thing. So I jump in this warp and end up in ZEN what were they trying to prove??? After I go through almost endless torture in ZEN I get to this lame looking thing floating in the air. Big deal I kick his but and guess who greets me some moron that has eluded my through the entire game and he (of all things) offers me a promotion a PROMOTION can you believe it??? I have just fired thousands of bullets and grenades kill hundreds of beings and solved dozens of puzzles and all I get is some stupid PROMOTION??? the simple question : Why did It get game of the year?????
Because it was a great game up until the end, I suppose.
Most people who played through the game, even those who are hardcore half-life fans, would agree that the game started going downhill at XEN, and the ending (well, both ending...) was rather anti-climatic.
A lot of reviews of half-life gush, but then mention how they weren''t very fond of the silly jumping stuff in XEN. I guess that''s why the official Gearbox add-on pack (Opposing Force) focused on Black Mesa style action, and not a "Return to XEN".
Most people who played through the game, even those who are hardcore half-life fans, would agree that the game started going downhill at XEN, and the ending (well, both ending...) was rather anti-climatic.
A lot of reviews of half-life gush, but then mention how they weren''t very fond of the silly jumping stuff in XEN. I guess that''s why the official Gearbox add-on pack (Opposing Force) focused on Black Mesa style action, and not a "Return to XEN".
I think Half-Life was brilliant up to the end of Gonarch's Lair. As soon as it got to those jumping pads it did go downhill.
I think they should have had "suitcase man" talking to you in the real world after you dispatched with Gonarch to make you think you had just finished the big boss (which I thought I had at that point).
Then when he says "I can offer you a battle you have no chance of winning" and you refuse to side with him, instead of ending the game they could have sent you back to ZEN and Nilanth to get rid of you for good. At which point you could have killed the big floating baby and then got to do away with the "suitcase man" once and for all.
Instead you were asked to choose and then the game just suddenly ended no matter what you did, and you had to submit to his will....bummer, that little jerk was asking for it.
Edited by - paulcoz on 4/28/00 2:33:11 AM
I think they should have had "suitcase man" talking to you in the real world after you dispatched with Gonarch to make you think you had just finished the big boss (which I thought I had at that point).
Then when he says "I can offer you a battle you have no chance of winning" and you refuse to side with him, instead of ending the game they could have sent you back to ZEN and Nilanth to get rid of you for good. At which point you could have killed the big floating baby and then got to do away with the "suitcase man" once and for all.
Instead you were asked to choose and then the game just suddenly ended no matter what you did, and you had to submit to his will....bummer, that little jerk was asking for it.

Edited by - paulcoz on 4/28/00 2:33:11 AM
You sound like someone who doesn''t take their games too seriously, thekid. Half-Life had an excellent story, and a good ending, but I do agree the Xen levels were really poor and annoying. But that''s how you learn. By mistakes. Valve will have listened to everyone and any sequels will probably not have any Xen like levels. Sure the last bit sucked, but it doesn''t take away from the fact that Half-Life is the best game ever made (IMHO). I believe it still hasn''t been bettered.
"Born of a Broken Man, but not a broken man."
"Born of a Broken Man, but not a broken man."
------------------------------"If a job's worth doing it's worth getting someone else to do it for you....."
All of this xen crap did suck. Half-life was popular because it looked like a top secret lab. Duke Nukem was popular for it''s city-like streets and nudity. I think it is safe to say that Alien levels suck on any present day type game.
2 points by me really.
1) Xen sucks, it sucked and always will suck! I found myself so damn frustrated that I spent as much time on the jumping part as I did for completing 1/2 the game. It was not fun.
Also I think the Ending was very dissapointing, not just in content but also length...for that kind of plot buildup and detail to story to end in a small speech by suitcase man? Don''t get me wrong, I did like the idea of a no win situation for Gordon....but it was so damn short and badly made. IMHO I''m wondering if the testing or design was rushed for the last part? Anyone got the inside scoop?
2) What made HL game of the year was everything before Xen, explecially the plot buildup and the leveldesign. Als I think refining TeamFortress into TemFortressClassic helped a bit too
1) Xen sucks, it sucked and always will suck! I found myself so damn frustrated that I spent as much time on the jumping part as I did for completing 1/2 the game. It was not fun.
Also I think the Ending was very dissapointing, not just in content but also length...for that kind of plot buildup and detail to story to end in a small speech by suitcase man? Don''t get me wrong, I did like the idea of a no win situation for Gordon....but it was so damn short and badly made. IMHO I''m wondering if the testing or design was rushed for the last part? Anyone got the inside scoop?
2) What made HL game of the year was everything before Xen, explecially the plot buildup and the leveldesign. Als I think refining TeamFortress into TemFortressClassic helped a bit too

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." - The Shining
I thought the ending was pretty good actually... It leaves it open for a sequel well, too.
"Born of a Broken Man, but not a broken man."
"Born of a Broken Man, but not a broken man."
------------------------------"If a job's worth doing it's worth getting someone else to do it for you....."
I dunno, I digged Xen. It really felt alien, and there was far more freedom of movement than in the labs, making you watch your back.
[email=mwronen@mweb.co.za" onmouseOver="window.status='Mail The_Minister'; return true" onmouseOut="window.status=' '; return true]The_Minister[/email]1C3-D3M0N Interactive
I wish I wouldn''t have ever went to ZEN becaose the game was awsome until then. I didn''t exactly want my man to become a hero but I wanted to see all those sientists escape and make all those stupid government guys get lost. Also I wish I knew whos stupid Idea overloading the test system was in the first place. Forgive my previous acusations I did like the game and the story rocked but I wish I would have never went to ZEN
I've never actually played half-life(just the demo), but that sounds pretty crappy. Anyway, a lot of people just get half-life for the multi-player which supposedly kicks ass.
And another thing, one bad section of a game doesn't make that entire game suck. Even if the ending sucked, the game doesn't necessarally have to. Many good games have crappy endings.
"Remember, I'm the monkey, and you're the cheese grater. So no messing around."
-Grand Theft Auto, London
"It's not whether I win or lose, as long as I piss you off"
-Morrigan, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
Edited by - PsYcHoPrOg on 5/2/00 3:59:47 PM
And another thing, one bad section of a game doesn't make that entire game suck. Even if the ending sucked, the game doesn't necessarally have to. Many good games have crappy endings.
"Remember, I'm the monkey, and you're the cheese grater. So no messing around."
-Grand Theft Auto, London
"It's not whether I win or lose, as long as I piss you off"
-Morrigan, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
Edited by - PsYcHoPrOg on 5/2/00 3:59:47 PM
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