

Started by December 02, 2002 07:52 PM
11 comments, last by Jean 22 years, 2 months ago
I want to Make a Menu with New Game and Exit for my game in OpenGL.I want to be able to selected which of New Game or Exit I want(Like in most game). Anybody Could tell me how to do this.
this fourm is for help not for entire source code projects that you can put your name on.
sorry i am in a bad mood, sorry....
what i am trying to say is a menu, you can create it in many different ways and it isnt something you can just code 5 lines for, you should c ome up with a way yourself, possibly with a few ideas from someojne else, but come on, having someone post there code for your own indivual project, come on.
learn c++, learn opengl, and think for 10 minutes, and then code your own menu.
see ya then

yeh.. maybe i was alittle mean.. Sorry again.....
"What we do in life, echos in eternity" -- Gladiator
No offense but I thought this board was supposed to be able to act as a resource for learning C++ and openGL
OpenGL Revolutions
Here''s sample code on NeHe''s site and that''s where I learned a bunch of it.

It''s called menu dialog:

I didn''t write that so I can''t take credit for it... I''m just pointing you in one direction. That sample is just a small amount of what you can do. Look up a lot of the other MFC stuff and find out what else you can do.
your are right,
this board is here to help people in all sorts of the field
but this guy is asking how to do something that is soppose to be done in his way.
you cant just come on the board and say, ha i am making a game and i am lazy,
can anyone make me a particle engine, a menu engine, and the characters AI and send it to me here..
You cant do that, that isnt what this fourm is here for.
That guys could post something on the fourm saying he needs some help with his engine and anyone interested should contact him and watever..
look at that guys message.

he has no idea what he is doing.
aleast that is my impression of it.
maybe he is the most elite opengl coder out there and just forgot how to do something..
possiblilty isnt it.....
"What we do in life, echos in eternity" -- Gladiator
The impression I got from his post was that he is asking how he should go about writing his own menus, not for somebody else to write them for him. And yes he gives off the impression that he doesn''t know very much, but niether do I and I''m sure he''s in the same situation that we are just trying our best to learn. Honestly, I have NO idea how to go about making a professional menu system and apparently niether does he.

I just think a more appropriate response might be something like this:

"Well you could go about doing it by setting your camera up for a 2D surface and then use simple drawing commands to interact with it. Or maybe you could simply load a whole bunch of RAW images or BMP''s that you made in photoshop and just draw it out that way."

However I do agree with you that a less appropriate response might be:

"Oh well its simple just use this menu system class I created especially for you:"

However, an even less appropriate response would be:

"Hey forget it you don''t know what your talking about. You don''t deserve help figure it out yourself."

But I see what your saying End and I partially agree.
The impression I got from his post was that he is asking how he should go about writing his own menus, not for somebody else to write them for him. And yes he gives off the impression that he doesn''t know very much, but niether do I and I''m sure he''s in the same situation that we are just trying our best to learn. Honestly, I have NO idea how to go about making a professional menu system and apparently niether does he.

I just think a more appropriate response might be something like this:

"Well you could go about doing it by setting your camera up for a 2D surface and then use simple drawing commands to interact with it. Or maybe you could simply load a whole bunch of RAW images or BMP''s that you made in photoshop and just draw it out that way."

However I do agree with you that a less appropriate response might be:

"Oh well its simple just use this menu system class I created especially for you:"

However, an even less appropriate response would be:

"Hey forget it you don''t know what your talking about. You don''t deserve help figure it out yourself."

But I see what your saying End and I partially agree.
OpenGL Revolutions
you didnt blow up on me for saying what i did.
I appricate that. thx

to actually help him.
Ha dude,
i remember when i was first starting i made a menu system like what you are talking about.
But it ended not being a system at all, the classes were messed up and pretty much C++ was pissing me off, so i went back to C and got it to work. Just shows you shouldnt give up right there.
ok back to what i did.
i just map a few bmp files that looked cool in paint and used nehes image loading code to load them in the program.
Then i just made a cool desgin with quads and posted the textures on the quads and when ever the user clicked up arrow or down, it would change the colors of the selected texture to red using glColor3f() and so on.
well that is what i did, very easy to do..
Good luck on what you are going to do, simply if you know C and very basics of opengl, you can do what i said above.
Good luck to you dude.
sorry i went crazy on you guys, it is bad time....

well see ya
and 3117, that was very mature of you not get angry and remain professional..
thank you
"What we do in life, echos in eternity" -- Gladiator
No worries dude
OpenGL Revolutions
My idea would be to make a class that handles it. It would look SOMETHING like this, not exactly it, and remember, you need to stick this somewhere (perhaps in the engine header file) but remember to code it all out with the engine cpp file... =)

I''m new and I feel like helping!

btw, i use apstring.cpp and apstring.h from my AP Computer Science course, just search google for them both and you''ll get them easily. They are located somewhere nested in

const int MAX_CHOICES = 10;

class menu
// Constructers

// Variables
apstring CurrentChoice;
apstring Choices[MAX_CHOICES];
bool active;

// Functions
void MoveChoiceDown();
void MoveChoiceUp();
void RenderChoices();

It would start there, but you may want to add a lot more functionality to it as in menu effects, noises, music etc. Good luck!

<- ->
"Discipline is my sword, faith is my shield
do not dive into uncertainty, and you may live to reap the rewards" - (Unreal Championship)

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