

Started by December 01, 2002 10:33 PM
0 comments, last by Orlandu 22 years, 3 months ago
I want to know... what is the script to do that when I run my Game it is in Fullscreen but cannot resize? ... it stay in Fullscreen. Count T.G. Cid (Orlandu) The Holy Swordman
Count T.G. Cid (Orlandu) The Holy Swordman
Typically, if an application is running in fullscreen, it''s not resized, but there''s no way to prevent (that I know of) the user from Alt-Tab-ing out, which doesn''t really affect your app except it might lose focus.

The function you want (to temporarily change display settings) is
ChangeDisplaySettings. Read the first NeHe tutorial or look it up on MSDN.


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