Hey people...
My Game is finally done. Check it out..
have fun..
visit the FIWA-Lan-Community at
[edited by - arkansas on December 1, 2002 1:46:17 PM]
I''m currently downloading it, It goes SO slow that I think I will post my review in January...

[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.
yeah thats possible..
its a private server of one of my friends and the upload stream is not really good.
[edited by - arkansas on December 1, 2002 1:58:51 PM]
its a private server of one of my friends and the upload stream is not really good.

[edited by - arkansas on December 1, 2002 1:58:51 PM]
I have a cable modem and i am downloading at 123 bytes/sec, thats got to wrong!!!!!
Just post it on those free website thingies... Believe me it is going to be much faster.
Just post it on those free website thingies... Believe me it is going to be much faster.
Well, the game looks nice. But the controls are really, really bad. You should simply use the 1-3 key to move the highest shape on that pin. As it is now it''s rather confusing to remeber to first press the key for the corect shape, then press the key for the new pin.
Alos, I was forced to use ctrl+alt+delet in order the quit the game since I couldn''t find the key to do it. You should add a menu for it or at least bind it the the traditional Escape key.
"You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways." - The Wheel of Time
Alos, I was forced to use ctrl+alt+delet in order the quit the game since I couldn''t find the key to do it. You should add a menu for it or at least bind it the the traditional Escape key.
"You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways." - The Wheel of Time
December 01, 2002 01:29 PM
Best lookin Towers of Hanoi I have seen! Very nice job. There are only a couple of things that make it short of perfect, these are minor things but could make it have a much more polished feel. On the menu, put a timer or something in so the the selections don''t fly by. Right now when you press up or down it is hard to pick the menu item you want. Also, when you select a platter and it is hovering over the pegs, they disappear when they rotate to face away from the camera. Use a solid geometry shaped like a disc instead of a plane, it seems like it is being back face culled. And one last thing, the controls are too tricky. It might be easier to control if you use 1 - 4 to select which disc you want and then you could use the arrows to select which peg to move to. I hope you don''t feel I am ripping the game apart, but these should be pretty easy fixes and would make it much better in the UI department. Congrats on your first game!
I will work on the game controling and on the disks.
:D I'm happy that you liked it.
ok.. I fixed the disappering disks:
have fun..
[edited by - arkansas on December 1, 2002 2:40:59 PM]
[edited by - arkansas on December 1, 2002 2:45:36 PM]
I will work on the game controling and on the disks.
:D I'm happy that you liked it.
ok.. I fixed the disappering disks:

have fun..
[edited by - arkansas on December 1, 2002 2:40:59 PM]
[edited by - arkansas on December 1, 2002 2:45:36 PM]
The game looks very good.
But it isn''t finished, It could be an alpha release.
Some bugs I found:
0. The readme file isn''t in english. Unreadable to me.
1. The controls on the main menu are Ultra-Speedy, It''s hard to select the desired option.
2. I like to play this game with the keyboard, but using the 1,2,3,4 keys is pretty confusing, some one could find them a little annoying and stop playing. Not my case.
3. When going to windowed mode, all the textures are lost:

4. When you win, the game suddently goes to the main menu and it''s impossible to play again, the only possible option is QUIT. No rewarding for winning is also a little "unfair"
5. I bet than with harder testing you''ll find more bugs, I also recommend you to read this Article here on Gamedev: The 3 Completes of a Game
I like your game, keep it up, it''s fun

But it isn''t finished, It could be an alpha release.
Some bugs I found:
0. The readme file isn''t in english. Unreadable to me.
1. The controls on the main menu are Ultra-Speedy, It''s hard to select the desired option.
2. I like to play this game with the keyboard, but using the 1,2,3,4 keys is pretty confusing, some one could find them a little annoying and stop playing. Not my case.
3. When going to windowed mode, all the textures are lost:

4. When you win, the game suddently goes to the main menu and it''s impossible to play again, the only possible option is QUIT. No rewarding for winning is also a little "unfair"

5. I bet than with harder testing you''ll find more bugs, I also recommend you to read this Article here on Gamedev: The 3 Completes of a Game
I like your game, keep it up, it''s fun

[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.
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