
What way do I have to play sounds......

Started by December 01, 2002 08:57 AM
8 comments, last by glnefugio 22 years, 3 months ago
I Want an Easy way but the End User should not have to install something (That''s why i don''t use DirextX). And i also dan''t want to spent much time with the sound thing!
Any one who plays games should either have directx or shouldn''t mind getting it. It''s pretty much a standard for games. Theres tons of articles on doing sound, you just need to accept the fact that directx is necessary these days. I understand you dont think this is a big enough project or whatever, but you should really look into directx
Brian J
Try openAL, shure you would have to install some stuff but it''s fully portable to linux and about 100 times more stable than direct x.

Not to mention it''s easier to code.
Try OpenAL.dll, Bass.dll, or fmod.dll (you can find a tut for fmod on Each of these dlls should be small enough that you can include them with your program and the user wont have to install anything. They are also easy to use.

"Free advice is seldom cheap."
-- Rule of Acquisition #59
SDL can do this.
And its source-compatible across many platforms...
OpenAL and SDL don''t require the user to install anything (afaik, I play games that use them and I never remember installing them, that should be clue enough)
Original post by lc_overlord
Try openAL, shure you would have to install some stuff but it''s fully portable to linux and about 100 times more stable than direct x.

OpenAL is good, yush.... however on Windows it only wraps DirectAudio

Which do you guys think is better - bass, openal, or fmod (better means more stable)
btw, bass uses directX too.


"To err is human, to really mess up requires a computer"
"To err is human, to really mess up requires a computer"
I use BASS, and think it is brilliant. Very easy to use; plays any sound file format; it''s a tiny dll file; good website with support and FAQ''s. I havent tried any others, but I am happy with BASS.


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