
VIRUS !!! (in DX7 SDK?)

Started by April 26, 2000 12:18 PM
9 comments, last by xstreme2000 24 years, 4 months ago
At 12:00 midnight on 25/04/2000-16/04/2000 both me an GEo were working on our computers. GEo''s PC restarted its self and my PC crashed. When both PC''s were rebooted they would boot of the hard-drive and all data was lost. The only thing exchanged between us recently was the DirectX 7a SDK which when it was downloaded the self extracting zip header was corrupt so we opened it in WinZip, this may have nothing to do with the virus...but both machines perminatly lost 3years of unreplaceable work...the machines were running separatly an in no way connected. If any one else has the problem PLEASE LET ME KNOW!
The most logical explanation would be that a virus infected the .Exe file on one of your computers and was then passed on to the other.
If I''m not mistaken, it would have been the Chernobyl virus if it fired last night.

#pragma DWIM // Do What I Mean!
~ Mad Keith ~
**I use Software Mode**
It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.
I got that virus too. I did not have protection. Get Nortion Antivirus 2000. That is the best one that I have. If you have PC-Cillin that comes with your motherboards, you should be fine.
quote: Original post by xstreme2000

At 12:00 midnight on 25/04/2000-16/04/2000 both me an GEo were working on our computers. GEo''s PC restarted its self and my PC crashed. When both PC''s were rebooted they would boot of the hard-drive and all data was lost.

It is times like this I wonder why people don''t invest a few dollars in some backup protection... even zip drives are worth the money.

PC-Cillin Missed it!
I no longer think it had any thing the do with the SDK (122Mb which I lost!!!)
And since last night I am definately think of getting some backup.
so ur blaming dx?why didnt u backup? ALL cmptr ppl back up.
"a low level aho master like you couldn't kill me even if I let you"
"ALL cmptr ppl back up."

HAHAHAHAHA! That''s the best one yet


it cannot be the sdk. i run a virus scan every week w/ the most recent files. and i have no virus to be found
I wish there was a button on my monitor to turn up the intellegince. Theres a button called 'brightness' but it doesn't work
If it was the SDK, a whole lot more people would be crying, including myself.

I back upone multiple zips and CDs everytime a make a significant change, when a major bug is fixed, and every time there is some other type of progress. I am so paranoid, I don''t even keep all my backups in my house. If the place burns down, or there is someother type of natural disaster, I will still have my code.

Sounds strange? I don''t care.

I don''t think it was the sdk (also it was version 7a not 7) don''t know how many people have that???

I am just downloading the header&Libs and the docs files. it about 119mb smaller and just as useful

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