

Started by November 27, 2002 06:59 PM
7 comments, last by pagal2k2 22 years, 3 months ago
working on a project nd have a problem. can any body tell me how to print an OGL scene/view in VC++ 6.0 using MFC or without MFC I''ll be very thnkful 2 u if u hlp me.. Ahmed: having a mad soul...
Ahmed: having a mad soul...
<<-TAG: 3-D Architecture Guide (Sourceforge)->>
Try pressing the Print Screen Button (Nect to Scroll Lock)

Then opening up Paint and paste (ctrl + v)

The image should be in your Paint program ready to save/print
i am not usre if this works in fullscreen or not but i know it works in window mode
i forgot to write,
here printing means through printer.

Ahmed: having a mad soul...
Ahmed: having a mad soul...
<<-TAG: 3-D Architecture Guide (Sourceforge)->>
I don''t really know what you are talking about but couldn''t you just do what he said and print it from paint or whatever?
He needs to automativcally print that frame. How come no one understood it?

Uhh, grab a screenshot and save it as TGA (DevIL can do that for you, or else use glDrawPixels)
Then try to find some code to print that file, I cant help u there, I dont know.
He needs to automativcally print that frame. How come no one understood it?

Uhh, grab a screenshot and save it as TGA (DevIL can do that for you, or else use glDrawPixels)
Then try to find some code to print that file, I cant help u there, I dont know.
GraphicsWare|RenderTechhttp://www.graphicsware.com3D Graphics & Solutions

feeling myself confused.

Ahmed: having a mad soul...
Ahmed: having a mad soul...
<<-TAG: 3-D Architecture Guide (Sourceforge)->>
I swear, some people.....

i said it once and i will say it again:

press the "Print Screen" Button on the keyboard it should be nect to scroll lock

now what that does is copy''s the current frame into the clipboard of the computer

THEN you open up and image editing/manipulation program and select all [ctrl + a](in PhotoShop) and then paste [ctrl + v]
now the screenshot you just took [print screen] takes the image from your clipboar too your image program

THEN you asve it and you can some how print that image i am sure you can find a way!!!!

!!!GET IT NOW!!!
Ok If you want to just print a screen shot the quick and easy way then use the good ol printscreen button.
Now if want to actually print the screen from the program with some sort of button or whatever then you want to use the backbuffer or some other offscreen buffer to save the pixels as a .bmp file with glReadPixels. You can then use the Windows PrintDlg to print from the printer.
How to actually write the code to do all of this... I dont know, Im a newbie too , I suggest looking up the glReadPixels function, bmp file io, and Windows Print dialogs.

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