
How many lines have you written?

Started by April 25, 2000 10:47 PM
31 comments, last by lpsoftware 24 years, 5 months ago

______________Martin EstevaolpSoftware
heh, i''m workin on a big ass game project, but i don really wanna count the lines file by file
someone mentioned an addon for VC++ that counts the lines in the whole project, i went to the codeguru website but i couldn''t find it, can u tell me where u got that?

- pouya
The most I''ve ever written was roughly 10,000 Lines, quite a few times. My "Gen''s Gold" contest entry was only 5,100 Lines though considering I wrote it in 3 days and had to design all the LEVELS myself etc!

Flash Pool - Pool/Billiards game for Facebook (developed by Memir).
Here''s a website that has a line counter utility. You might also want to check out Window Tabs as well. It''s a very nice add-in. .

My game development library is over 5000 lines of pure code (that''s not counting comments or white space). Total line count is somewhere close to 10,000. The game I just started that uses the library is somewhere between 1000 and 2000 lines of code.

However, I don''t think the lines of code should be used to measure the size of a project. Nor should the size of the source code. Some programmers like to type and use long variable and function names. This would make the file size bigger. Also, different formatting styles could affect the number of lines differently. I feel that a closer measurement of size would be a count of semicolons. My $0.02. Anyone agree? Disagree?

counting semicolons wouldn''t work, cuz
for (int i=0;i<5;i++) printf("%d",i);
is count as 3 lines

- pouya
counting semicolons wouldn''t work, cuz
for (int i=0;i<5;i++) printf("%d",i);
is count as 3 lines

No, not lines - statements.

What you could do is count the number of ''for'' statements in the code and subtract that count from the total semicolon count. That would effectivly make each ''for'' statement count as one. The above code would then be counted for two statements, which is accurate.

Arjan - you wouldn''t happen to be AJ, the Hardcore Vegan from the University of Maastricht/ LUC now would you?

#pragma DWIM // Do What I Mean!
~ Mad Keith ~
**I use Software Mode**
It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.
54,147 lines for a windows app I wrote for work...
- Houdini
Josh, what about this:
char ch, str[80];
int i=0;
for (FILE *fin=fopen("test.txt,"r");(ch=fgetc(fin))!='\n';putch(ch)) *(str+i)=ch,++i;

- pouya

second edit: arrrg, this is getting badly annying, cuz i couldnt put the [ and ] after str. dunno why

Edited by - pouya on 5/1/00 6:32:23 PM
About 56000 lines to have 400+ phonelines collect GPS data from vehicles 24/7 putting the data into a database.

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