
How can I know that My program is accelerated??

Started by November 21, 2002 02:12 PM
6 comments, last by XN the Dismemberer 22 years, 3 months ago
code at NeHe's Tutorials are accelerated by AGP well. but's Tutorials are not accelerated at all. How can I turn on 3D-accelerating?? Thx for reading. (sorry for my lack of English expression skill.) P.S. I have Dual-monitor and Two graphic card(PCI & AGP) Therefore if one program is acclerated by AGP, then that programs's window can run AGP-linked monitor only. but's Tutorials are run both screen well. :< [edited by - XN the Dismemberer on November 21, 2002 3:14:39 PM]
I''m ready to dive..
Running gametutorial''s tutorials in windowed mode seems to make them run a LOT slower for some reason. I find that setting your desktop bitdepth to 32(true color) makes them run correctly though.
is that a voodoo card? the one on the PCI slot?


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you can determine if you can get an accelerated rendering context like this:

after the call to ChoosePixelFormat, do the following:

  PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR GLpfd;.........  (setup format).....unsigned int pixelFormatID= ChoosePixelFormat(hDC, &GLpfd);	DescribePixelFormat(hDC,pixelFormatID,sizeof(tagPIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR),&GLpfd);if (GLpfd.dwFlags & PFD_GENERIC_FORMAT){  //eek, no hardware support, better bug out}	  

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s3 trio (2M) :> have no hardware acceleration.

Original post by daher
is that a voodoo card? the one on the PCI slot?



I''m ready to dive..
Thank u for all your useful infomations :>

BTW I find out why some slugish rendering was occured last night.

In PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR, by adding just one statement,
I can get 3d-accelerated graphical result!!

pfd.cAlphaBits=0; <- here!!


by that means, in case of FramePerSecond examples,
FPS was increased to 60 FPS from 40 FPS.

then why did not include that statement??
why everybody learned from that sites run slow program????

The Truth Is Out There..:<
I''m ready to dive..
because you''re one of the only ones who don''t have destination alpha in hardware, and on nearly every normal constellation, you get a hw pixelformat by the settings of how should they know?

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sorry, I can''t understand your explanation. (bacause i am newbie)

What''s ''normal constellation''?? and ''hw pixelformat'' exactly??

my AGP is GeForce3 ti 200.

sorry again..:<

I''m ready to dive..

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